Everyone had an epiphany type moment during the COVID Lockdown of 2020. The slow down made us reorganize our priorities and do a Marie Kondo look at what sparks joy! What I realized is as much as I LOVE to eat and discover restaurants and foodie pleasures. I’ve never actually been fully engaged with the “Tine” (tines of a fork) part of Tinsel and Tine. When I started the site in 2010 it was going to be a place where I go to dinner and a movie and review both in a post. For various reasons that never really worked out; so I thought I could split the difference and write/cover some foodie posts and some movie posts. And perhaps feature a lot of foodie films or food related docs. And I did manage a bit of all that, but still the site always remained “Tinsel” heavy because the fun I had on my journey to discovering movies, films and the entertainment industry out-weighed my journey to becoming a gastronome, gourmet or just a damn good food writer. I wholeheartedly thank Kory Aversa of Aversa PR for his fabulous invitations to events and restaurant openings over the last 7-8 years. I resent Philly Magazine for only extending one invitation to me in 10 years of covering the Philly food scene. And now I’m ready to turn this part of the site over to someone more qualified and enthusiastic about Cuisine and Spirits.
Keeping a website going takes more dedication, time, effort and expense than anyone who hasn’t done it could possibly imagine. It’s a real labor of love. So I figure there’s someone out there who’d like to feature their recipes, dining experiences, has always wanted to interview chefs or feature informative news items on eating and food related matters, but doesn’t want the responsibility of running a site full-time. This person would have carte blanche (as long as they weren’t writing anything crazy) over this part of the site. They would have contributing privileges to log into Tinsel and Tine and post their own content. The content does not have to be Philly related. There would be no time table on how often content would be created. The format of the Foodie Landing page however, must remain as it is.
I will feature the Food Contributor’s posts on Tinsel & Tine’s social media, (on my time table) but the Contributor would also handle their own social media. And if not into social media, and only want to post on the site, that’s fine too.
Please keep in mind, this is not a job, there would be no payment involved. Of course, if you found a way to compensate yourself through this endeavor, more power to you, that would be yours to keep. Unless it somehow involved the site in its entirety. It’s also not an internship. I’d show the Food Contributor how to navigate behind the scenes of this site and how to post, but otherwise, I’m not interested in taking anyone under my wing, teaching them the ropes or introducing them to any of my contacts.
If this manner of food related creative expression appeals to you email: tinseltine@gmail.com so we can chat!
FYI: the other part of my site that I find no longer sparks much joy for me is doing Zoom or In-person Interviews. Therefore, I’m also looking to attract the right budding journalist/spokesperson/on camera personality to handle interviews with up and coming filmmakers and actors/actresses and at times celebrities.