I can understand why actor/director Ethan Hawke became fascinated with pianist Seymour Bernstein upon meeting him at a dinner party, enough to want to deepen the friendship and learn what makes this gentle soul seem so content with life and able to so completely share his passion for music and the piano with his supremely fortunate students...
Celebrating 25 Years of Watching: PRETTY WOMAN
by Le Anne Lindsay, Editor The Today Show reunited the cast of one of my all time favorite movies – PRETTY WOMAN to celebrate the movie’s 25th Anniversary. This is my go to when I just wanna shut out the world. I’m all in every time, every scene. But it feels impossible Pretty Woman was released 25 years ago. If only I could pretend I was 5 when the movie came out, and lie and say I never saw it in the movie theater. But alas, I remember distinctly going to see it. The pre-viral, yet media frenzy over the discovery of the “Pretty Woman” herself Julia Roberts, and all…
Review: INSURGENT (2 of 3 Franchise) & Interview MEKHI PHIFER
CANDI’S CORNER IS BACK! One of our regular blog contributors, Candace Smith moved to the Big Apple almost a year ago and has been doing her thing – writing, acting, journalism. However, I’m always happy to have her back at T&T when she’s got the time, and she made the time for the second installment of the Divergent Series: INSURGENT. Check out Candi’s review below and below that – my interview with Max from Divergent and Insurgent, none other than actor Mekhi Phifer! – Le Anne Lindsay, Editor Insurgent Review By Tinsel & Tine Blog Contributor Candace Cordelia Smith (Candi’s Corner) At the start of Insurgent, my immediate thought was,…
EMPIRE INTERVIEW with Jussie Smollett and Bryshere “Yazz” Gray (Fox TV)
Tinsel & Tine Got a Chance to be on a Conference Call with Two of the Lyon Brothers Jussie Smollett and Bryshere “Yazz” Gray Here’s a video excerpt of the audio from the call (Note: video will not be visible to those receiving T&T via RSS feed Here’s a link to the Jamal & Hakeem Interview on Youtube) In the video the two actors talk about their reaction to their growing fan base; the brotherhood of Jamal & Hakeem; the scenes they found hardest to shoot. Jussie and Yazz the Greatest also talked a lot about being active in their communities, giving back. In fact, Angela Davis is Jussie’s godmother.…
Baking Divas: SAVOUREUX’S New Baked Goods in Philly
You know I can’t help but highlight CAKE relevant things, especially when they are in my neighborhood. Breanna & Destiny are the baking team behind Savoureux’s, a new company specializing in delectable sweets. When I heard about these women getting both a business and a charitable organization off the ground, I knew they’d make for a great profile piece on Tinsel & Tine. Interview with Breanna & Destiny Baking with Heart by Le Anne Lindsay, Editor Plum Pretty Sugar is offering a FREE Hello Pretty Tote with orders of $80 or more in celebration of Easter. March 20th – April 4th, Click the banner and use the code: PRETTYFOREASTER15…