
Win a 3 Day Pass to STAR TREK: MISSION NEW YORK Labor Day Weekend 2016

Post Update 9/8/2016 

POST UPDATE 8/29/2016

Well, I have to say I’m both very disappointed and perhaps if truthful, a little relieved that only one person entered my “Be My Trekkie Guide” Contest . I say a little relieved because it was going to be an undertaking to coordinate with the winner, figure out accommodations, didn’t want to buy my bus ticket too early in case things didn’t work out, but I also didn’t want to be a$$ out without a tix for the holiday weekend if it did, and other logistics etc…  At any rate, the one entry was a woman. I was rather hoping this could be a way to meet a single guy and see if there were any sparks…so…she lives in Brooklyn, and is excited to attend, so I mailed her both 3 Day Passes to Star Trek:Mission New York asked her to take pictures for Tinsel & Tine and I’ll stay in Philly Labor Day Weekend.

I am surprised I couldn’t attract anyone to enter. Not romantically, I mean in this age of social media stardom, I figured someone would get a kick out of being featured on a blog.  Plus, if you’re a real uber fan of something like Star Trek wouldn’t you want to share all your knowledge with a willing an interested newbie?

I asked several sci fi groups to help me promote the contest, they agreed, but no one helped promote it the way I do when I agree to get the word out about something that’s a part of my brand.

Anyway, if it were in Philly I’d just go by myself, I’m sure just being an observer would be a hoot, but the expense of going and staying in NYC…



Regular readers and T&T social media followers know I’m a big fan of the Black Tribbles and that they’ve included me on several “Spoiled Tribbles” podcasts as Buttercake Tribble, most recently Star Trek Beyond

The Black Tribbles will all be heading to Star Trek: Mission New York Convention at the Javitz Center NYC September 2 – 4, 2016 to celebrate 50 Years of Star Trek. To help promote the event they raffled off (2) 3 day passes to attend… guess what? I won!  Fair and square, they put all the raffle tickets into Len’s (aka Bat Tribble) back pocket and Lilly Tribble just happened to pulled out my winning raffle number.

So excited!  But then I started thinking, I’m not really a Trekkie, should I go? Should I sell it? Should I raffle them off to Tinsel & Tine Subscribers?  Here’s what I came up with instead, sanctioned and further promoted by the Black Tribbles nation.

With a Little Help From OK Cupid 

I set up a profile on OK Cupid to help facilitate finding a guy interested in joining this contest for the other Star Trek Convention Pass and be my guide.

Details: I am single and interested in a possible romance, who knows, we’ll see where it goes; but for this encounter I just thought it would be fun to check out the convention with someone who can show me the ropes. I wanna see it through your eyes, as a fan of the franchise.  Maybe you can even help me pull together a costume.  Keep in mind, I enjoy things of a geeky nature, I’m into superhero movies, like the Star Trek movies and the original series, but I’m far from being a Trekkie, a gamer or a comic book follower.  So I’ll be choosing the winner based on more than just your love of all things Star Trek.

Transportation Accommodations: Sorry, this would be on you.  I haven’t figured out where I’m staying yet.  I’m also not committed to all 3 days. Saturday (9/3) for sure would be the guide me through day. I may also attend Friday night, but you’d have the second pass to go early Friday or stay til Sunday if you choose.

Publicity: You know I’ll have to blog about this! So you’d also have to be willing to be a part of a blog post, but don’t worry, I never write snarky things.
This is a cross promotion with The Black Tribbles, so we’ll also be taking pictures with them and they’re gonna help me choose the winner!

All sound good and fun?  Then give me your pitch as to why you should win being Buttercake Tribble’s (Me) Trekkie Guide 🙂

To Enter:  You can either set up a profile on OK Cupid it literally takes 5 minutes, that way I can see your picture and read your answers to the OK Cupid questions. I’m listed under Tinseltine 

Or You can email me tinseltinepromotions@gmail.com and wing it.

All entries must be in by 5pm Thursday, August 18th

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