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The 74th Annual Golden Globes Round Up 2017

by Le Anne Lindsay, Editor

Quick RECAP of the Hollywood Foreign Press Night of Awards

Man, was it noisy this year. Every year all the celebrities say this is the most fun awards show because of the eating, drinking and socializing, but this was the first year people didn’t pipe down when the next presenter came on. Some presenters didn’t seem to know how to handle it. Although, everyone got good and quiet during Meryl Streep’s address to not only Hollywood, but to the country. I’ve heard the criticisms and unfortunately, her speech didn’t cause as big a stir as I would have liked.  Still, I love that she was like, body of work, life time achievement, Cecile B. Demille, to heck with all that, I’m gonna use this time to say Trump (without using his name) you’re appalling and then rally the battle cry for artists and journalist to be vigilant.

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In past years, I’ve really bought a big spread for my RED CARPET PICNIC, but this year I kept it mainly to a cheese board.  The board itself, was a Christmas gift from my friend Heather. It’s one of those cool blackboard kind where you can write the name of the cheese in chalk on the display.

Menu: Homemade Crostini, Roasted Garlic with Tomato & Basil Hard Cheese, Cranberry & Cinnamon Goat Cheese, Chicken Salad,
Smoked Salmon, Deviled Eggs, Cheese Curls, homemade Almond Joy Cookies and a dry Bordeaux.

I think I was one of the very first people to tweet about Jenna Bush Hager interviewing Pharrell on the red carpet and accidentally calling his movie “Hidden Fences” instead of Hidden Figures.  But then I messed it up further by typing so quickly that I wrote lack cast instead of black cast.

I have to say, some of the #HiddenFences tweets combining popular black movies & shows into one title were pretty funny like: The Help Got Away With Murder | 12 Years A Butler and Straight Outta Selma

Jimmy Fallon should have just done the opening La La Land pre-recorded
bit which was great, especially if you’ve seen the movie. Because his monologue didn’t have much punch. Actually, a
host is unnecessary. Having an announcer introduce the presenters is all that’s needed.

I’m am happy La La Land got an unprecedented 7 Golden Globe Awards. Kudos to everyone involved in getting it to the big screen. Plus, my interview with Damien Chazelle had been getting very little traffic. I don’t think people cared about the writer/director even though the movie musical had been getting buzz since summer; but now my interview is definitely picking up!  On the other hand, I have to admit, I kinda hope “La La Land” doesn’t sweep the Oscars. I do love the cast, the originality, and the songs grow on you during the film; but I don’t like the ending, so it’s not my favorite movie of this Awards season.

But I’m all for Emma Stone who looked dazzling in her star studded Valentino gown, it was perfect for her. My pick for BEST DRESS of the night. Blake Lively in a dramatic black velour gown, couldn’t be more different from Stone’s, but definitely a close second for best dress for me.

More on …


Yellows from near chartreuse to buttercup seemed to be trending:

And also silvery gold-ish Metallic:

A number of plunging necklines or what I call “Show Off Your Sternum Gowns”  These two were my favorites:

And for WORSE DRESSED Carrie Underwood those pink ruffles looked like a cake that got turned over in the car. Octavia Spencer had a really ill-fitting pant suit, I understand she was looking to make a female empowerment statement by wearing a feminine tux, but I don’t know who tailored it for her. Felicity Jones’ dress was not as ugly on stage, but look how horrible it photographed on the red carpet:

Not only were Sylvester Stallone’s daughters the Miss Golden Globe statue presenters (Scarlet, 14, Sistine, 18, and Sophia, 20), he got to have a little reunion with his Rocky opponent/friend Carl Weathers:

Despicable Me 3 duo Kristen Wiig & Steve Carrell getting maudlin about made up sad childhood memories while presenting for best animated film, hit home on the funny meter. And Kristen’s new short hair cut is perfect for her face:

I’m also glad Zootopia won, as that was my pick for best animated feature, in a year with a hole slew of animated movies.

Love that critics and movie-goers alike have been embracing MOONLIGHT. I remember Barry Jenkins Medicine for Melancholy was the only black film screened at the 17th Philadelphia Film Festival.  Look how far he’s come.  For that matter, PFF has come a long way too, with much more diverse programming the past few festivals.

OSCAR NOMINATIONS are announced Tues January 24th | The Oscars are held Sunday, February 26th I think most of the same movies will be honored; although, I do hope Taraji P. Henson and Hidden Figures receive nominations. I also think Martin Scorsese Silence, which I’ve seen, but haven’t yet written a post, will get nominated.

Complete List of Golden Globe Winners 2017


67th Annual Golden Globes | 68th Annual Golden Globes |
69th Annual Golden Globes | 70th Annual Golden Globes |
71st Annual Golden Globes | 72nd Annual Golden Globes |
73rd Annual Golden Globes

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