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    A Revlock Interview: Kevin MacDonald – BLACK SEA

     Interview with Director Kevin MacDonald for Latest Movie “Black Sea”  By Tinsel & Tine Blog Contributor – MIKHAIL REVLOCK Kevin MacDonald is nothing if not ambidextrous. With almost metronomic regularity, the Scottish director alternates between shooting fiction films and documentaries. Though he might not be a household name in the states—he is quick to confess that he has yet to produce a “hit”—MacDonald does not lack in prestigious accolades. One Day in September, his gripping account of the Munich Massacre, netted the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature in 2000. His 2004 docudrama Touching the Void is widely considered the best mountaineering film of all time. And in 2006 MacDonald…

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    A Revlock Review: AMERICAN SNIPER

     By Tinsel & Tine Blog Contributor MIKHAIL REVLOCK A review of American Sniper is incomplete without a discussion of Bradley Cooper’s transformation. Though the physicality of the change is the most striking (Cooper gained forty pounds for the role, and his face seems to have borne the brunt of the weight), it is his altered personality that ultimately leaves the deepest impression. The high-strung motor mouth of recent Cooper turns is gone, replaced by a plodding, vacant-eyed husk. He wears the understated persona well, delivering a tour de force in a career riddled with mainstream catering gigs. The film itself is relatively unexceptional. Directed by Clint Eastwood with workmanlike deliberation…

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    A Revlock Review: HORRIBLE BOSSES 2

    Tinsel & Tine is normally rah-rah on most movies, but these last 3 we’ve highlighted have not been given our full support.  I was fascinated with the subjects of The Theory of Everything (click for T&T post) but not so much with the movie itself.  I watch The Hunger Games movies (click for T&T post), but at the same time, can’t really get behind the franchise.  And now Mikhail has written a fantastically scathing review of this black comedy which reunites these bumbling murderers under new direction.  – Le Anne Lindsay, Editor HORRIBLE BOSSES 2 By Blog Contributor Mikhail Revlock We had to know this was coming. The original Horrible…