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Summer Disaster Movie: SAN ANDREAS (Podcast with The Black Tribbles)

By Tinsel & Tine Blog Contributor – Le Anne Lindsay

Dwayne Johnson and Carla Gugino in the action thriller “SAN ANAS,” a production
of New Line Cinema and Village Roadshow Pictures, released by Warner Bros.
Pictures. Photo
by Jasin Boland

I don’t pay a lot of attention to earthquake activities or seismic calculations, but somehow the term “San Andreas Fault Line” is a part of my, and I think most people’s general knowledge.

The San Andreas Fault is a continental transform fault that extends roughly 810 miles through California. It forms the tectonic boundary between the Pacific Plate and the North American Plate, and its motion is right-lateral strike-slip (horizontal). The fault divides into three segments, each with different characteristics and a different degree of earthquake risk, the most significant being the southern segment, which passes within about 35 miles of Los Angeles… READ MOREWikipedia


ALEXANDRA DADDARIO as Blake in the action thriller “SAN ANDREAS,” a production of New Line Cinema and Village Roadshow Pictures, released by Warner Bros. Photo Credit: Jasin Boland © 2015 WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINMENT    

OfficialShop of Warner Bros
This summer’s catastrophe flick SAN ANDREAS uses this “common knowledge” to create a West Coast earthquake and tsunami disaster we hopefully will never have to actually witness. Dwayne Johnson (aka “The Rock”), plays a rescue helicopter pilot named Ray, it’s obvious from his initial phone conversation with his daughter Blake (Alexandra Daddario, who has the clearest blue eyes ever), that their relationship is close, but unfortunately, a family tragedy pulled his marriage apart from Blake’s mom, Emma (Carla Gugino, one of my favorite actresses). The b story takes place at Cal Tech where Paul Giamatti, plays a convincing professor, completely consumed with earthquake predictions, he’s co-authored a book about the likelihood of this particular seismic occurrence, of course, with little success of being taken seriously until the Hoover Damn bursts open, the Hollywood sign falls, the Golden Gate Bridge pulls apart like taffy and sky scrapers in LA & SF begin to shake, crumple and disintegrate into dust and rubble, taking with them the occupants within. 

PAUL GIAMATTI as Lawrence and ARCHIE PANJABI as Serena in the action thriller “SAN ANDREAS,” New Line Cinema and Village Roadshow Pictures, released by Warner Bros. Pictures.

The movie is directed by Brad Peyton who directed Johnson in Journey 2: The Mysterious Island, which I have to say, pulled me in last Saturday when I was supposed to be getting a lot of chores done, keeping the TV on in the background for company; then wound up sitting down to watch the ridiculous fantasy/adventure sequel. Anyway, it was actually the producer of both Journey 2 and San Andrea, Beau Flynn, a longtime fan of classic disaster films, who came up with the concept for this CGI spectacular. He was eager to update the genre with today’s 3D capabilities and cutting-edge technology to create photorealistic images. Beyond that, he concedes, “The reason this movie resonates so much with me is that within three weeks of my moving to Los Angeles, the Northridge 3 earthquake hit. I had never even felt a tremor before, and to experience a major earthquake was terrifying, powerful. It makes you feel very small and humble. I was always fascinated by the San Andreas Fault, specifically, even though I grew up in Miami, 3000 miles away. It’s just something I think people are aware of, consciously or not. It’s in the zeitgeist.”


I attended the Philadelphia San Andreas screening at the new Prince Theater PFS, which is an awesome theater to see 3D movies. Because the venue was built for live theater, the movie screen is positioned behind the stage, giving it depth. The sound system is also created for vocals to be heard clear back to the last row, so movie sound effects are truly in effect!  

 After the screening I ran into Len Webb aka “Bat Tribble” and Kennedy Allen aka “Storm Tribble” who invited me to do an impromptu, taping of a Black Tribbles movie spoiler podcast.  Now, normally Tinsel & Tine isanti-spoilers, but when it’s all in fun, it’s cool. Beside, #SanAndreas is hardly the type of movie with a surprise ending.


 Buttercake Tribble Returns

Click below to hear “Spoiled Tribbles podcast with guests: Buttercake Tribble (me) and Mike Dennis, founder of Philly’s Reelblack, who gets sworn into the Tribble Nation and chooses a Tribble moniker at the end of the show:


T &T’s LAMB Score: 2 Story / 3.5 Special Effects

(Reel & Dine): Philly Film, Food & Events Blog


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