
Philadelphia Film Festival Spring Preview

Philadelphia Film Festival Spring Preview, presented by Pennsylvania Hospital (click HERE for film schedule) opened last evening at the Prince Theater featuring complimentary candy and Tastykakes, so for the second night in a row, my dinner consisted of alcohol and cake!

I’m a firm believer in aligning with the Universe, which in simple terms means when you really want something or to do something, focus, think about the benefit and the joy of it and believe it’s possible without contradiction. Not as easy as it sounds, and timing is not always up to you, but I have seen it work numerous times in my life and it makes me wonder if someone at Philadelphia Film Society believes in this same magic. How else do you explain a film festival coming together in a little over two months. Yes, it’s a small, weekend festival, but it’s free! Last night, I spoke with a PFS organizer who said Pennsylvania Hospital sponsorship basically dropped in their laps. The hospital had to pull out of another event due to some conflict and mismanagement, just so happened the sum of money allotted for this other event was the amount needed to do this Spring Preview!

Friday night screenings consisted of I Am Love, Looking for Eric and The Square. Stay tuned later today for T&T commentary on I Am Love & The Square, both films have scheduled release dates in Philly later this month, so I love being able to write sneak preview type commentary, which will include a Q&A with the director of The Square, Nash Edgerton. All three films were well attended, not packed, but each film had a short rush line and that good hum and buzz permeating the theater, the energy that makes me love film festivals so much.

What I also loved was being able to work on yesterday’s post in between screenings. Clear is also a sponsor of this festival, they set out 6 -8 netbook laptops in the lobby for people to try their wireless internet service. And by the way, that wireless service is fast, I was on for a while with several tabs open, switching back and forth and had no problems whatsoever. Saw some attendees on the computers watching videos and another watching a basketball game. Verizon better watch out, cause I just maybe switching.

(Just in- 3:17pm – I’m back at the theater working on posts and showed the Clear guys my unbiased endorsement. They said I can make some money if any referrals come from it, so if any readers are interested: Contact Beau McGettigan 484-362-0169 beau.mcgettigan@clearwire.com and tell him you were referred through Tinsel & Tine.)

Small observation, perhaps the programming director, Michael Lerman could elaborate a bit more on his take and reasons for the film choices when introducing the films. I think festival goers enjoy any insider type info, I know I do!

I’m only going to do two films today – Exit Through the Gift Shop at 1pm and The Joneses at 10pm, giving me plenty of time in between to write and call my boyfriend (see Computer Love post) whose little medical procedure (which benefits me greatly) prevented him from joining me this weekend.

Tinsel & Tine provides year-round free promotion, sparking conversations and awareness, celebration and reviews of the movie industry - from local indie shorts to international films/filmmakers, to studio driven movies/moviemakers. Mixed with a spotlight on Philly Happenings. #MiniMovieReview #PhillyCalendar

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