
Philly Restaurant – White Dog Cafe (XPN Music Film Fest)

I was pretty good both calorie and pocketbook wise, and brought snacks to eat during most of last weekend’s XPN/PFS Music Film Festival, but I did dine out twice – Saturday night with a friend at The White Dog Cafe.

White Dog Cafe on Urbanspoon

This used to be my very favorite restaurant, I still love the vibe, but now I’ve had a few mediocre meals there in the last few months. 

FINGERLING POTATO SKINS $7 (Sorry no pic, we ate them before I remembered to snap one)  Green Meadow Farms Smoked Bacon, Lancaster Aged Smoked Cheddar, Lime Sour Cream – Not nearly as tasty as they sound – 2 Tines

Buffalo Wheat Meat, Vegan Blue Cheese Dressing, French Roll, Balsamic Mixed Greens – The faux chicken was fine, but the roll was subpar – 1 Tine

Walnut Puree, Blood Orange Sorbet – I asked for it with the homemade Rosemary, Lavender & Honey Ice Cream, very creamy. Loved the soothing blend of flavors – 4 Tines. However, I give the dry Lemon Cake – 1 Tine

Did you know The White Dog was name after 19th century, scholar, teacher, spiritualist Madame Helena P. Blavatsky

In the 90’s I attended several classes and meetings at the Theosophical Society, the philosophical religion H.P. Blavatsky founded. I even bought all the volumes of her book, The Secret Doctrine.  It’s all very dense, sci-fi, esoteric, metaphysical and existential, which is cool! But most of it went over my head.

At any rate, Madame Blavatsky lived where the White Dog Cafe resides, 3420 Sansom Street Philadelphia, PA 19104. At one point in her life she suffered a badly infected leg. When doctors told her she would have to lose the limb, she would have none of it and cured the infection herself by keeping a white dog next to her leg while she slept.

Dining “Tine” Rating System:
* Excellent – 4 Tines / * Great – 3 Tines / * Good – 2 Tines / * Fair – 1 Tine / * Poor – Tarnished

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