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Foodie Film: I AM LOVE

by Le Anne Lindsay, Editor

The Phila Film Fest Spring Preview opened with a beautiful Italian film, I Am Love (Io sono l’amore) Director/Writer Luca Guadagnino this film is a truly wonderful example of food in film. There’s a lot of wonderful tactile food preparation and eating of incredible dishes. I love a scene in which a recipe for a Russian fish soup is being disclosed while in the midst of sexual intercourse. The cinematographer zooms in on the colors and the splendors of not only the culinary succulence, but also the natural surroundings of Milan. The film also showcases the modern architecture of the Recchi family’s opulent mansion, where a good deal of the film takes place.

The plot of the film is light. We are introduced to the affluent Recchi family as they prepare for an elegant dinner party in honor of Grandfather Recchi’s birthday. The matriarch, Emma Recchi is played by Tilda Swinton, who is actually quite attractive with long hair, makeup and designer clothes. The movies I’ve seen her in previous to this, normally portray her as asexual, odd and otherwordly, but in this film she’s sensual.

The patriarch Tancredi Recchi (Pippo Delbono) is stoic, his marriage to Emma seems comfortable, but not warm. The prodigal son is Edo (Flavio Parenti) he’s involved in some sort of racing, which you assume is cars, however, the talk surrounding his recent loss doesn’t really resemble race track jargon. At any rate, the nature of the sport is never revealed, it seems to serve as a plot device to introduce the amiable competitive relationship turn friendship with earthy chef Edoardo (Antonio Biscaglia).

The daughter, Betta (Alba Rohrwacher) has newly discovered her attraction to other women, one in particular. After which, she cuts her hair short, then no one can seem to keep their hands out of it when conversing with her. The 2nd son is seen but never heard. The patriarchal grandparents play an important role in the family dynamics, even after the death of the grandfather.

And so the movie moves at an indolent pace, as an attraction heats up between Emma and Edoardo, seemingly just a sensory experience until sudden tragedy strikes!

T&T @LAMB rating: 4.5 outta 5


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