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by Le Anne Lindsay, Editor

You know those weird moments where random stuff seems to collide? Earlier the same day I saw We’re the Millers, I got excited about a trailer for a bio pic on the popular 90’s group TLC (T-Boz, Left Eye, Chili) coming soon to VH1. Well, “Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls” is prominently featured in a scene of We’re the Millers, the “son” Will (Kenny Rossmore) even spits Left Eye’s whole rap.  Also earlier that day, I had the extreme pleasure of  interviewing Oscar Nominated Director Lee Daniels for his movie The Butler (Opening August 16th – Go see it!) and in We’re The Millers, Jason Sudeikis says to the “daughter” Casey (Emma Roberts) “I’m not in the mood to hear your homeless, sad story. I ordered Precious on VOD 8 months ago and haven’t watched it yet”.  Just a fun little cross-section of references.

Anyway, We’re the Millers is about a small time marijuana dealer, David (Sudeikis) who gets robbed trying to help a clueless, nerdy kid – Will, defend some thankless, smart-ass runaway – Casey, resulting in David owing his boss, Brad (Ed Helms) who he’s been selling for since College, a lot of money. Brad tells David he can work it off by going into Mexico and drug mule-ing out a rather large shipment of weed. David knowing there’s no way he’s getting out of Mexico without getting stopped at the border, gets the bright idea that a family in an RV can sail through customs, and sets about renting himself “the perfect family”.

This movie allows Jennifer Aniston to join the ranks of Stripper Stars – well known actresses who take on the role of playing a stripper: Natalie Portman (Closer), Demi Moore (Striptease), Marisa Tomei (The Wrestler), Halle Berry (The Last Boy Scot & Frankie and Alice) Jessica Alba (Sin City). I’m sure I’m missing some, but those were the ones that came to mind.  If you can think of others write it in the comment section and I’ll add those names/movies to the post (I didn’t count Elizabeth Berkley (Show Girls) cause she’s not really a “star”).

There are funny moments in this movie, where you can’t help but be entertained, like when another RV family (Kathryn Hahn & Nick Offerman) decides they want to “swing” with The Millers, resulting in David getting finger f*!#ed and Rose’s (Aniston) breasts being felt up by Hahn like a doctor with resuscitation paddles.  But other sexual humor involving young Will giving “lip service” to a Mexican officer as a bribe, fell flat, and felt just gross.  The chemistry between Aniston and Sudeikis is almost non-existent and the cute, we’re really becoming a family premise, has been done better with David Duchovny and Demi Moore in The Joneses. All in all, We’re the Millers, is watchable, but hardly the hit comedy of the summer.

LAMB Score: 2 out of 5


What the movie did do was make me want to cross over the bridge to New Jersey for Mexican food.  Earlier this month I was house sitting in Collingswood NJ and really enjoyed trying a little Mexican food spot called The Tortilla Press– where I had a Sweet Potato Burrito Grilled chicken breast, chile mushrooms with roasted sweet potato, lettuce, tomato, avocado, cheddar~jack cheese, pinto beans & guajillo chile salsa. Served with cantina slaw $14. All the soft textures made it comfort food. I never would have considered putting avocado and sweet potatoes together, but it earned a 3.5 Tine rating!

Dining “Tine” Rating System:
* Excellent – 4 Tines / * Great – 3 Tines / * Good – 2 Tines / * Fair – 1 Tine / * Poor – Tarnished

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