
Tinsel & Tine at Tribeca Film Festival – Spotlight, Midnight and Storyscapes sections Annoucement

April 16-27, 2013 (Lower Manhattan)

POST UPDATE 3/29/14: Well, now I’m super bummed because I got turned down for press credentials to #TFF2014.  I heard they simply aren’t accepting as many bloggers as they have in past years.  I was sent an invitation from Tribeca to throw my hat in the ring, as it were, on December 21, 2013. You’d think they could let you know before March 21st., that’s just so late to put things in order, so I was proceeding as if it were a done deal. Plus, that’s what all the self-help, philosophy, Laws of Attraction, “Depak Chopras’s” of the world, always say – the Universe responds to positivity.  Imagine yourself in whatever it is you want to do. What you give your focus to will come to pass…  

Whether I make money from it or not, Tinsel & Tine is what I do. I’ve been learning and committed to this for a little over 5 years and I consider myself press; so it is a blow.  Plus, I did wind up purchasing the business card mints (see below) was hoping Branders might cut me a deal for promoting them, but no. I didn’t get many donations to the Tribeca fund (see below), but I got some, which I now have to return. And I had already bought my bus ticket to NYC…

Still, the real disappointment comes in the fact that I was looking forward to covering my first BIG film festival! It’s about being in the midst of it all and reporting back, in real time through social media. Being invited to events and press conferences; not having to wait in line to see the most talked about films of the festival; maybe snagging a couple of interviews, and getting good pics of celebrity sightings.  Not to mention, I really wanted a couple of days away from that which pays my rent.

But more than anything, I wanted to be able to say that those schools of thought that affirm you are the architect of you own life; you can create and manifest from a place of joy, act as if  – were right.  Although, to be honest, perhaps the venture was tainted with too much fear and obstacles.  It was going to be expensive and perhaps I was still doubting I could pull it off financially, and time wise, as I’ll be moving in May from an apartment that I’ve lived in for 13 years…

I’ve been contemplating still attending Tribeca on the FREE screening day (April 25th) just going up for the day, at least if I can do some reporting from the festival it may put me in a better position for next year.  I know it should be a small matter, but one of the things holding me back from doing this is – I actually hate to purchase another bus ticket when the other one is going to go to waste, and you can’t exchange it…

Super excited! I’m 99.9% sure to receive a press pass to the 2014 Tribeca Film Festival.

I’ll be covering it from Opening Night: Wednesday, April 16 thru Sunday April 20th.  
Looking forward to being a fabulous, On Point Blogger!

But first..

Example of Biz Cards

1. Gotta get updated business cards, the few I have left don’t even have all my social media addresses on them and still say I’m the blogger for the Philadelphia Film Society which ended 2 years ago. Branders has these cards which are actually a slim case filled with mints.  These really are a must!

2. New phone – long story, but when I got my upgrade last summer, I killed my phone at the beach less than a week after getting it, forcing me to go back to my old Evo 4, which I liked when I got it, but it’s over 3 years old now which makes it super antiquated.  I’ve got to be mobile optimized to the max to properly cover Tribeca!

3. A place to stay,  I know it’s late and I should have booked a hotel room months ago, but I was hoping a couple of connections would come through that didn’t pan out.

4. My original dream for Tinsel & Tine was to cover Film Festivals around the world, and in between screenings, review restaurants and Cinema Sneak n Snacks!  It would be so great to actually put this into practice.

5. Days off – my day gig is allowing me to take the time off; however, I’m still a temp and won’t get paid for any of the days I’ll be at the festival.

I know the Universe will make a way for me to cover Tribeca, and I plan to enjoy the experience with or without limitations; still, I think to myself, wouldn’t it be nice to have all the trimmings…

To that end, Tinsel & Tine is open to Sponsorship (click for details) and/or Donations (see below)  Also, check out our Past Coverage of various film festivals held in Philadelphia.

 Thank you 🙂

Tribeca Film Festival: Spotlight, Midnight, Storyscapes & Special Screenings

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Philly Film, Food & Events Blog

Tinsel & Tine provides year-round free promotion, sparking conversations and awareness, celebration and reviews of the movie industry - from local indie shorts to international films/filmmakers, to studio driven movies/moviemakers. Mixed with a spotlight on Philly Happenings. #MiniMovieReview #PhillyCalendar


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