In My Father’s House: HEAVEN IS FOR REAL
The core of the story deals with the fact that so many people, even ministers and those of the church, find the ideas of Heaven to be for children's stories and fairytales. When we really think about where we'll be after death, and who and what we'll see, none of it seems possible...
Movie Blog Post: NYMPHOMANIAC Vol I & II
The film starts out with a dark screen for way too long a time. I know it's suppose to be a heightened effect, but really it just gives you time to think about your day and how late it's going to be when this movie is over and because of that you'll probably be late for work the next day etc... When the screen finally fills with images, we eventually see a bloody woman lying prone on a nasty alley floor.
LET THEM EAT CAKE: Recap from 2014 Wedding Cake Competition
If you read this blog frequently, you know I mention cake quite a lot. I'm a self-confessed cake-aholic, but I'm also a cake snob. I don't want just anything with icing on it, and in fact, it is crucial that the icing not be too sweet, too thick and preferably only on top. It's difficult to put into words what constitutes good cake, it's like describing a sunset or an orgasm, you just know it when you're in the moment of it...
DJ Reezey Review/Interview: RIO 2 Director Carlos Saldanha
Rio 2: Family Fun That’ll Make You Laugh, Dance & Think! Carlos Saldanhas’ love for family is eye-poppingly evident in Rio 2 By Tinsel & Tine Blog Contributor: Rashaun “DJ Reezey” Williams Take my word for it, Carlos Saldanha’s Rio 2 is certain to make your family do 3 things: laugh, dance and think! (Featuring the voices of : Jesse Eisenberg, Anne Hathaway, Kristin Chenoweth, Jamie Foxx & Miguel Ferrer). In a colorful, 3D film about protecting the Amazon, Tulio Monteiro and Linda Gunderson are brave “tree huggers” working to protect endangered species and their habitats. In their time working as environmentalists, the couple saved and domesticated two bright blue birds,…
Flood the Drummer Interview: MARLON WAYANS – A Haunted House 2
Marlon Wayans “Desperate for Laughs” in A Haunted House 2 For Marlon Wayans, it’s all jokes. He’s not trying to change the world, just your mood. A Chat with Funny Man – @MarlonWayans – A Haunted House 2 http://t.co/RIS2bLIUdO #BlogHerTalks — Tinsel & Tine (@tinseltine) April 13, 2014 By Tinsel & Tine Blog Contributor: Christopher “Flood the Drummer®” Norris “All the Wayans have a certain flavor of comedy,” Marlon tells me, citing his blend as “a spicy crispy” that may “burn your mouth.” Marlon’s older sister Kim calls him “desperate” and he, without argument, would agree. “I will go to wild places to make people laugh. I don’t give a fuck;…