Looking for “Likes” on Facebook
Yes, I know everybody is looking for facebook likes as if it paid actual money or something. It’s kinda like flashing your boobs in New Orleans during Mardi Gras for beads. I do post some various and sundry film and food fodder on my facebook fanpage that doesn’t appear here on the blog. I’m at 66 fans now, would love to make that 100 before the end of the month. By the way, reminder: Guest Bloggers are Welcome – Looking for any recent film festival experiences and dinner and a movie write ups. Email me at tinseltine@gmail.com (blogging credit only compensation)
LOVE Group Show
by Le Anne Lindsay, Editor I may no longer have a Valentine’s Day date on the calendar, but I’ve replaced it with something that makes me love myself even more
Not just one, but two of my paintings have been chosen to be shown at B SQUARE GALLERY (614 South 9th Street btw South & Bainbridge). Winsome gallery owner and artist, Heather Bryson has put together a new Group exhibit entitled LOVE, which goes up tomorrow February 3rd and runs thru March 19th. Philly readers, come check it out! Opening Reception – Saturday, February 12th 6-9pm. Here’s my two pieces being shown: My good friend Diane Roka is also…