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What’d Ya Think of This Flick? : INTO THE WOODS

by Le Anne Lindsay, Editor


I had started an Into the Woods post two weeks ago, but never finished it and as much as I live for and revere the genre of the Movie Musical, now I’m kinda past doing a more in depth write up. However, once again Chris Evangelista at CutPrintFilm has written a very good review. I don’t agree with his criticism of Johnny Depp as the Big Bad Wolf, or the lukewarm praise for Meryl Streep; but he’s spot on when it comes to the Prince Charming duet between Chris Pine and Billy Magnussen, “Agony” scene/song is pure hilarious camp. It’s been too long since I’ve seen Sondheim’s Broadway Musical to weigh in on some of the finer points of the comparisons, but on the whole, I’d say this is a fair assessment of the movie.



And this was a fun Into the Woods interview between director Rob Marshall (Chicago) Stephen Sondheim and Meryl Streep from the LA Times:

You talk like you’ve known each other a while. How long have you all known each other?

Rob Marshall: Steve, I met you when I was doing Broadway shows as a dancer. … The real first time was when I worked with Hal Prince on “Kiss of the Spider Woman.” And I came in to choreograph that.

Meryl Streep: Well, I’ve known him much longer.

Marshall: You did [Aristophanes’] “The Frogs.”

Streep: In 1973. I’m the only one who can remember the chorus…
READ MORE by Rebecca Keegan LA Times

And in closing, one of my favorite songs from Into theWoods, both Broadway and the movie, and one of my favorite Barbra Streisand renditions in general is “Children Will Listen” so here’s a Youtube video. 

T &T’s LAMB Score: 3.5 out 5


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