
Trader Joe’s Balela

Okay, I’m seriously trying to shed a few lbs now. I’ve got upcoming events and really need to look svelte in my spring/summer frocks and evening finery.

Therefore, today’s vegetarian picnic was from HipCityVeg (127 S. 18th Street Phila, PA). Blogger, PhillyPhoodie wasn’t too keen on his experience, but I was surprisingly satisfied with the Philly Steak grilled onions and mushrooms (all plant based, no meat no cheese). And truthfully, I’ve always preferred sweet potato fries to regular; although, not sure they even count as diet food, just vegetarian.

For dinner – here’s my latest Trader Joe’s quick meal.  Look in the refrigerated aisle for BalelaMiddle Eastern Salad of chickpeas, tomatoes, black beans, parsley, onion, soybean/olive oil blend, distilled vinegar, hot pepper, garlic, sea salt, pepper and mint. 

I have a thing for hot tuna fish, and I have fresh green beans, so I diced the green beans and sauteed them in olive oil, just a few minutes, not cooked, but more than blanched. Then added in the white tuna chunks and sauteed both for a few more minutes.

Poured the beans and tuna in a bowl and then added the Balela – cold. Mixing everything together.  I’m sure most people will either want all the ingredients hot or cold, but I tend to like to mix hot and cold ingredients; not sure why this pleases my taste buds.

At any rate, this is a very light, but delicious combo, perfectly seasoned with enough textures to give your brain that pleasure hit!

See Tinsel & Tine’s other Trader Joe’s Posts:
Southwest Chicken Quesadillas & Lobster Ravioli
Brussel Sprout Saute

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