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    As If the T. Rex Wasn’t Enough: JURASSIC WORLD

      Spotlight on Summer Blockbuster JURASSIC WORLD By Tinsel & Tine Editor,  Le Anne Lindsay This summer we’re back in movie franchise heaven starting with The Avengers, now Jurassic World (4th installment) and next Magic Mike, and so far the first two have hit their marks as far as I’m concerned! T&T Synopsis: Jurassic World takes us back to Jurassic Park, only now it’s 20 years later, and the amusement park has become as common as Disney World, even though you have to travel to Costa Rica to get there.  John Hammond’s vision for Jurassic Park (homage is paid with original logos and other references to the 1st movie) is…

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    Devouring an Old Favorite: Jurassic Park 3D

    I saw Jurassic Park 3D last Saturday (Opens today 4/5). Totally forgot how good a flick this movie is! Or maybe I never really knew, as 20 years ago I was too young to appreciate the pacing, perfect casting (Where’s Sam Neill been?) and ratcheting tension. Still love when the T Rex is reflected in the rear view mirror that reads – “objects are closer than they appear”. And when that piece of bloody goat foot lands on top of the jeep’s sunroof! Trying to figure out why Samuel L. Jackson looks older 20 years ago than he does today, is he doing a Benjamin Button? But what’s most notable…