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STAR WARS: The Rise of Skywalker

by Le Anne Lindsay, Editor

The press screening for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker was at 1pm in the middle of the day on a Tuesday, for those of us who run movie sites on the side, but need to clothe, shelter and feed ourselves, that’s the worst possible time, if it were in the morning, I could take half a day, if it were late afternoon I could take half a day, but to take a full vacation day to see Star Wars was not happening as I’m not a huge Star Wars person, I love sci-fi, fantasy, action for which this falls into, but truthfully, I’ve always been on the fringes of really caring. I mean, of course I respect it as a large part of pop-culture for the last 40 years, and the original cast: Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford are treasures. But the stories never really grabbed me, nothing like the love I have for Marvel. That being said, bias aside, don’t you think the Rise of Skywalker was phoned in? It felt very formulaic, predictable and safe. I even had a couple of sleepy moments. And Rey’s costume is far too summery for all the chilly places she had to travel to, that girl needs some sleeves and long pants 😄

The meat of the story revolves around Kylo/Ben & Rey’s relationship, but that whole connection thing of them being able to chat from different locations got old and repetitive fast, could we have seen another way in which their inexplicable bond could show up and deepen the plot? I have other thoughts about how things ended with them but I don’t want to give away any spoilers in case any other readers are late like me, in seeing it.

I did like the new traumatized droid with the megaphone head, I wanted to take him home. It’s 2020 why don’t we all have pet droids?

On the whole, I suppose it was an okay end to the Saga, we got to see Lando Calrissian & Chewey have a nice reunion and ghosts abound.  But it can’t hold a candle to Avengers: Endgame!

Tinsel & Tine the Large Association of Movie Blogs (aka the LAMb) rating: 3 outta 5


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