Foodie Archives

Philly Restaurant – Race Street Cafe

Race Street Cafe on Urbanspoon

I’d like to say I enjoyed my first Dinner and an Interview post; however, I caved and agreed to an online interview with writer/director Steve Janas regarding his film The Tolltaker; with the writing taking place at Race Street Cafe (208 Race Street, Olde City Philadelphia).

Race Street has been a staple neighborhood hang out for a decade, huge walnut wood bar, wood beam ceiling and brick and mortar walls give it the perfect ambiance for casual Sunday Brunch with friends, enjoying a solitary beer while watching the game or taking up a table near a wall outlet, writing a blog with their free WiFi…

My brunch choice:

Spanish Burger – 10.50
A combination of ground beed and chorizo sausage grilled to perfection with melted manchengo cheese, topped with a fried egg, and fries topped with sauteed onions, jalepenos and mixed cheese The flavor of the sausage is prominent, wonderfully so! I asked for a scrambled egg on top, cause I just have never been into the look of a fried egg. The scrambled egg worked to perfection, light, fluffy pieces perfectly sized to fit on burger.  Fries were delish, but too few on the plate – Race Street Cafe’s Spanish Burger would have earned 3 Tines, except it wasn’t a very good roll on the burger, relegating it down to 2 Tines

 Excellent – 4 Tines / * Great – 3 Tines / * Good – 2 Tines / * Fair – 1 Tine / * Poor – Tarnished

Check back tomorrow for The Tolltaker post


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