Interviews Archives

Philly Filmmaker Spotlight: TRIO by Kevin Giles

By Le Anne Lindsay, Tinsel & Tine Editor

Last year, I got a chance to feature filmmakers screening their work at First Glance Film Festival, BlackStar Film Festival and Philly Asian American Film Festival by asking each of them the same 5 questions, and compiling the answers for a short but insightful look at their films and their process.

Recently a Philly filmmaker sent me a screener of his short film TRIO to review – only, I prefer to review studio made films or indies with distribution, and rather highlight and help promote first time or up and coming filmmakers.

 5 Question Interview with director KEVIN GILES:


Short Synopsis: “Trio” is a short film revolving around the family dynamic between an alcohol dependent mother, her deaf teenage son, and her 7-year old daughter.

T&T: In a nutshell what was the main inspiration for your film TRIO?

KG: Page Peter Wilson (who both stars as Tre and produced the film) initially approached me with the idea, but once on-board, my inspiration came from a severe lack of representation for the deaf community, especially deaf people of color in film and/or television.

T&T: Was there a point where you almost didn’t finish your film? And if so, what pushed you forward?

KG: There were a few times when we honestly almost never started, but I nearly gave up during the edit when the film just wasn’t coming together the way I envisioned, and all I could see were the mistakes I made during principal photography. I’d say a healthy mix of stubbornness and belief in the film’s potential is what kept me going.

T&T: Give a quick shout out to your creative team and anyone who helped get your film from an idea to screening at Phoenix Film Festival.

KG: Have to recognize my creative partners, Page and Ant (Anthony Marotta), we truly did this together. I also want to shout out our amazing crew and everybody in the special thanks, this was legitimately a team effort.

T&T: Where do you really shine as a filmmaker? Please expand upon directing to include the aspect of the directing process where you know you are most on point?

KG: I definitely feel most confident when I’m writing or directing. In terms of directing, I’m at my best when I’m orchestrating pivotal moments (moments in a scene when multiple elements mesh to create something memorable).

T&T: Plans and schemes for future film projects?

KG: Me and my producing partners are developing two sports-related dramas (a short and a feature) and we’re currently looking for funding.

Kevin Giles is the 2016 recipient of the DGA (Director’s Guild of America) Student Award in the African American category for the East Region for his short film The Blaise EP. He has since screened films at highly regarded festivals including NFFTY and Indie Memphis. He works as a freelancer in Philadelphia, collaborating with local companies and artists.

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Tinsel & Tine provides year-round free promotion, sparking conversations and awareness, celebration and reviews of the movie industry - from local indie shorts to international films/filmmakers, to studio driven movies/moviemakers. Mixed with a spotlight on Philly Happenings. #MiniMovieReview #PhillyCalendar

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