
Never Too Young To Start Making Movies

Chris (T & T Blog Contributor) makes a point of being plugged into positive happenings in Urban Philadelphia, last week he went to see an exclusive screening by a group of young teens – Students of IPS (Intensive Prevention Services) at Diversified Community Services screened their short romantic
comedy Switch Up.

DCS is rooted in South Philadelphia and enables children, youth and families to realize their fullest
potential and achieve self-sufficiency in safe neighborhoods. 

Perhaps one of these fresh faces will be the future of Philly Filmmaking and Hollywood! 

and crew (consisting of I.P.S. staff and students) of the short
romantic film Switch Up. (*left to right* Annalee Pratt [Actress],
Tamir Washington [Associate Producer], Kareem Moore [Writer/Actor],
Miguel Solis [Pre-Production], Jabrea Burton [Director], Gilbert
Moore [Sound], Jihad Scott [Actor], Latrell Jackson [Producer],
Andrea Duren [Actress]

By Christopher “Flood the Drummer”® Norris

In its official premiere, “Switch Up,” produced and supported by a diverse group of teenagers in Diversified Community Services’
Intensive Prevention Program, delivered quick laughs to a packed room of staff, students and supportive community members last Thursday at Stephen Girard School, 18 & Snyder St. With a run time of approximately three minutes,”Switch Up” chronicles two male friends living in Chicago who takes a trip back home to L.A to reconnect with two ex-girlfriends. During the visit however the former couples don’t rekindle their love; instead they form new relationships with old acquaintances. After the premiere the Producer, Director and actors were on hand for a panel discussion. The students discussed what new skills they learned while making the film and also commented on the creative process. The entire teenage cast also received awards and trophies for their efforts.
In February of 2013, Diversified Community Services won “Viewers Choice Awards” at the first ever Philly DoGooder Awards.

Other Tinsel & Tine Posts by Christopher”Flood the Drummer” Norris – 42, Pain & Gain, Philly Latin American Film Fest coverage

TBO Inc®

Twitter:@therealTBOInc, @floodthedrummer
Facebook: therealTBOInc


Philly Film Blog


Tinsel & Tine provides year-round free promotion, sparking conversations and awareness, celebration and reviews of the movie industry - from local indie shorts to international films/filmmakers, to studio driven movies/moviemakers. Mixed with a spotlight on Philly Happenings. #MiniMovieReview #PhillyCalendar

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