Movie Blog Post: RBG aka The Notorious RBG
Tinsel & Tine’s look at
Tinsel & Tine #MiniMovieReview – Finally saw RBG film (Directed by Betsy West & Julie Cohen) Oyez! Oyez! Oyez! All persons having business before the Honorable, the Supreme Court of the United States, are admonished to draw near and give their attention to this documentary!
#NortoriousRBG directors Betsy West & Julie Cohen do a brilliant job bringing worthy attention to the 2nd female Supreme Court Justice, in a way that made me sit up and realize, as a woman, I owe her more honor and respect, not before truly realized.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is an amazing example of quiet determination and composed passion. And before I do a little male bashing, I’d like to give credit to her extraordinarily supportive husband Marty – he seemed to be a very loving person and delightful soul.
But whenever I see movies about fighting for simple human rights and equality, it always comes back to one thing – why, from the beginning of time, are so many white men in power so lousy!?! Why do they get off on subjugation, bigotry and exclusion? And it’s never a case of, “Oh we didn’t realize we’re making this group of people’s lives hard or impossible, this was an oversight”. No. it’s always intentional and never ends until they feel their feet are really to the fire. The truth of this, is often why I have a hard time watching “The Handmaids Tale” it’s a stellar production, but I have to watch it in bite size viewings, as it feels all too possible at this very moment in time. Now having seen RBG, I’m more aware of her dissenting voice having SO much importance on the Supreme Court – which makes me more upset the Democrats didn’t fight harder to make certain President Obama got to make his appointment after Justice Scalia died. If the shoe were on the other foot, there’s no way the Republicans would have accepted lame duck presidency as a reason not to elect the next Supreme Court Judge. Now they’ll be two from that *&#! in the White House. This documentary brought home in a really big way, the implications this will have for generations to come.
But on a much lighter note, I loved seeing RBG get a kick out of watching Kate McKinnon playing her on SNL, also, that she gives out the Notorious RBG t-shirts as gifts.
the Large Association of Movie Blogs (aka the LAMb) rating: 5 outta 5
We can’t wait to see Felicity Jones as Ruth Bader Ginsburg! @OnTheBasisOfSex #OnTheBasisOfSex— Allied Philadelphia (@AlliedIMPhilly) July 16, 2018
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