
Movie Blog Post: LOGAN

Tinsel & Tine Focus:


By Le Anne Lindsay, Editor
After the early press screening of LOGAN, I once again joined some of The Black Tribbles in an episode of “SPOILED TRIBBLES” where for a change, everyone was in agreement, Logan, directed by James Mangold, works on every level and in terms of X-men movies, for me, comes in 3rd behind X-men: Days of Future Past and X-Men:First Class, don’t know why I never did a post on First Class, but here’s a link to my 2013 The Wolverine
Listen to the Podcast below for our exuberant chatter after seeing “Logan”, but remember it’s Spoiled Tribbles, so if you don’t want to know the plot or ending, listen after you’ve seen the movie.

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But first here’s links to some of my favorite reviews for LOGAN, which supposedly is the last time Hugh Jackman dawns the claws and sideburns:

Thank “Deadpool.” Last year’s superhero send-up showed that comic book movies don’t need to be watered down or sanitized for the PG-13 set, and “Logan” takes that baton and sprints like hell with it. It also takes the kind of real world, sobering approach that comic book fans pine for from their superhero stories. “Logan” is so gritty and caked in muck that it makes the Gotham City of Christopher Nolan’s “Dark Knight” trilogy look like “La La Land.” READ MORE The Detroit News

Logan is not bloodlessly cartoonish in the way that even really great comic-book movies have been, wherein entire city neighborhoods can be razed without a hint of the human carnage that would naturally accompany such a nightmare. The scale is small here, but the human toll is tremendous in the way that a single death can be depicted as far more terrible than mass destruction. READ MORE Flickfilosopher

The once rich and powerful Charles Xavier, now a wizened and half-senile Patrick Stewart, is destitute, having been declared a WMD in a post-mutant world, and reliant on his former X-Man to supervise trips to the toilet – something you wouldn’t have banked on seeing when you saw Bryan Singer’s original movie back in 2000. READ MORE The Ooh Tray

T & T’s LAMB (movie bloggers association) Score: 5 outta 5

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