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Getting to Know the Founder of MooreBetterFood –
Dianne Moore

 By Tinsel & Tine Editor – Le Anne Lindsay

ORIGINAL POST May 28, 2015–  On International Women’s Day (click for T&T post) (March 8th)  I attended a conference to encourage female entrepreneurship in Philadelphia.  The event introduced me to a number of fabulous women in different stages of creating their own businesses, but the one I felt was perfect for a Tinsel &Tine profile piece was Certified Health Coach Dianne Moore, MSW, MS, CHC, AADP.

Dianne is a sustainable nutrition consultant in the field of environmental healthcare and the founder of which is designed to work with individual female clients on their nutritional needs – however, Dianne Moore is more than a nutritionist or dietician, she’s interested in your complete well-being – meeting you where you are.  Typically, Dianne will start by finding out what eating habits came from how you were raised, what foods you love and which you hate, your
work schedule, how much time you have to prepare food, if you like to
prepare food.  Are you eating on the run? Or out of boredom? It’s the one on one counseling that makes all the difference.

The MooreBetterFood website contains some great free tips on her blog. Including her lecture topic: The Skinny on Chemicals and Weight Gain: How Your Kitchen Can be Making You Fat –  Did you know that even if you eat all the right foods, chemicals and toxins in your kitchen could influence your body to hold on to extra weight?  You can schedule Dianne to visit your home and help you with a Kitchen Detox.

Last month, Dianne Moore opened up her very lovely home to me, my videographer Jessica Lucky and my friend and Illustrator Diane Roka for an interview.  It was only my second on camera interview and Dianne’s first, so we were both pretty nervous to begin with, but after introductions to her adorable pooch Chloe and some chit chat between the four of us, things settled into a good rhythm with the interview and Dianne turned out to be such a natural, I think she should start her own YouTube channel.

Check out the video below:
Video features how to reduce exposure to Obesogens which increase fat tissue.

Moore Background Information: Dianne grew up with a family who gardened and believed in having a lot of fresh fruits and veggies, but with a mother who loved to bake, she was also never deprived of yummy goodies to balance out the healthy eating. Like a lot of new mothers, wanting to do everything perfectly with her first child, is what lead Dianne to her current profession and passion; she became more conscious of dietary choices while pregnant, making her own baby food, and later volunteered at her son’s school, advocating for the elimination of many sugary and unhealthy choices offered for lunch and snacks. This experience put her in the right position to take on her first job in the health and nutrition field, working for Healthcare Without Harm, a global movement for environmentally responsible healthcare.  Dianne’s position was working long side the hospital food service directors to look at the kinds of foods they were serving to patients and in the cafeterias. This provided a very valuable education in not only where our food comes from, but what’s involved in the growing, packaging, transporting and processing of our foods. Dianne furthered her interest with a degree from the Institute of  Integrative Nutrition.

Testimonial by MooreBetterFood Client Tracy H: Dianne has been a long time friend of mine for over 16 years, since our children have been babies. She has made an impact on my life since day one. So, when Dianne embarked on her path to MooreBetterFood – I just knew it was a good thing. Dianne is always full of “good things”!  I was looking to make some nutrition and lifestyle changes due to a time in my life that I was gaining weight, finding every excuse not to exercise, and feeling overwhelmed, so I asked her if she’d be my coach. Dianne took me on and I’ve learned a lot. Her style is not just to preach, she actually jumped right in with me! Not only does Dianne walk with me, coaching me along the way, she’s taken me to the grocery store to find healthy food alternatives, offering nutritional recipes and ideas. Her counseling style is definitely one that I respond to – I’d say it’s very patient, yet goal driven. My biggest take away is that I need to be kind to myself and take baby steps – like starting to walk every day, even if it’s just 10 minutes, it’s a start. Another favorite take away is to keep it simple.

Illustration by Diane Roka

Tinsel & Tine’s favorite take aways: Treat your treat, like a treat. Dianne agrees there’s nothing wrong with having your favorite dessert or goodie now and again, but sit down and look at it with anticipation, smell it, let your digestive system start before even taking the first bite. It’s called mindful eating.

I wanted to know if Greek yogurt is actually higher in protein than
regular yogurt, and if so, if you put regular yogurt through a strainer
or coffee filter will it create the same effect? And the answer is,
Yes!  It is higher in protein and yes, taking the whey out does create a more protein rich yogurt.

I asked Dianne if there were one thing she tries to fit into her diet everyday and she responded that she’s a fan of Dr. Mark Fuhrman’s (Eat to Live) G-Bombs:Greens, Beans, Onions, Mushrooms, Berries & Seeds,  She’s also a big oatmeal eater with raisins & coconut.

We were treated to two delicious favorites of MooreBetterFood after our interview – Ginger Carrot Soup and Zucchini Muffins with Molasses butter.  As a comfort food eater, I gotta say how surprised I was by my enjoyment of the fare together and separately – Delish!
Visit blog for the recipes.


I’d like to thank Dianne Moore  for all the great information, I’m so glad we got a chance to get to know one another.  I’d like to thank Diane Roka for participating in the interview and providing the artwork to accompany this post.  And last, but not least, I’d like to thank Videographer Jessica Lucky for her talents in shooting and editing the piece.



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