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Blog Contributor Monique: LOCKE (Tom Hardy

by Monique Steans

I was really glad to get the assignment to see LOCKE, as it had been on my Indie film radar for sometime.

TOM HARDY’S character Ivan Locke, centers around an emotionally tortured man who on the outside seems calm
but on the inside is falling apart at the seams. The film was shot entirely in a car, in London with a singular character, Locke, interacting on the phone with those in his life, it’s an interesting journey. I couldn’t help but feel an emotional connection to everything his character went through – from getting fired, to cheating on his wife, resulting in another woman having his baby; and a somewhat psychotic internal dialogue with his deceased father.

The one-man-show movie gimmick has been trumped up before in the big name and budgeted blockbuster with I Am Legend to even small independent experiments like Buried and is a big risk for any filmmaker;concentrating on a single performer for the duration of a feature length movie requires so much from the actor every single second. Luckily Tom Hardy gets to show his considerable talents and charisma as a actor and is game for the challenge. First-time director long-time writer Steven Knight shows he has great instincts as a filmmaker by trusting an actor as capable as Hardy with the cinematic weight of the narrative… READ MORE Jeff Stewart Just My Take The City Upon A Hill Media Blog – 

STEVE KNIGHT wrote and directed this experimental tour de force and it absolutely deserves all the critical praise. #Locke was well received at the Venice Film Festival even though it didn’t receive any awards, it is proof that Steven Knight & Tom Hardy make for one hell of an actor/director team. Knight is mainly known as a screenwriter of such films like Closed Circuit and Dirty Pretty Things, his directing debut was just last year with the Jason Statham action film, Redemption about an ex-special forces soldier navigating London’s criminal underworld. So Knight took a gamble with this experimental, dialog heavy drama.

Knight: The thing that I’m always interested most above anything else is dialogue. If you have something like this and you don’t have precise dialogue, you only have a performance. This is a lot more like a theatre piece, which is always how Tom and I wanted to approach this. READ MORE Andrew Parker Sim City 

– Up next, for HARDY – The Drop & Child 44, and next year, Mad Max: Fury Road!

Monique’s T&T’s LAMB Score: 5 outta 5

While You’re Here – Check Out Monique’s Latest Post


BRICK MANSIONS – The late PAUL WALKER plays a cop trying to do the right thing, and avenge his father’s (also a police detective) death. – Paul will truly be missed. This was an intense and arresting performance. Attesting to the fact that he had merely began to tap the potential of his career before his untimely demise. Known mainly for his roles in the Fast & the Furious film series. He was the “it boy” for action films in the early to late 2000s and considered a good guy on & off the film sets, including Brick Mansions. In another posthumous role, Paul played a father who struggles to keep his infant daughter alive in the wake of Hurricane Katrina in Hours, and the final FAST & FURIOUS 7… READ MORE


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