Mini Movie Reviews Archives


I’m impressed with JOKER, yes, but still having trouble, as Joaquin Phoenix puts it in this interview – “finding something real” or original to say. Does it glorify these lone killers who tend to be white men on the fringes of society? Is it too inciting during a time when the country is even more divided and in political mayhem? On the other hand, does director Todd Phillips (co-writer Scott Silver) find a way to shine a light on these people who have been abused, are weird and ostracized, cut off from kindness, cut off from getting help as social programs shut down. This film could be seen as a wake up reminder these people need to be seen and recognized before it’s too late. I have a sister who suffers badly from depression and a form of agoraphobia and perhaps some other neurosis. Over the years after trying to get her help, we just kinda gave up and let her be, but the problem is still there, and needs addressing, but I’d rather not. And that’s in my family. Think about all these strangers allowing their dark thoughts to drift to action… because whose responsibility is it to intercede?

Then you’ve got the comic book aspect, and the fact JOKER has to live up to the DC villain we all know as The Joker, and to do his origin story right, you’ve got to give him some glory as he comes into his own.

I think what we all can agree on is Joaquin Phoenix held nothing back, he really delved deep – he seems to be a true original anyway, vibrating on another level to begin with; can’t help but wonder how going this far into madness really affected him? I think the most chilling part is the laughter, but not in the way you think of the Joker being maniacal; instead you could feel it was an uncontrollable condition and when he tries to stop it mid laugh it’s heartrendingly upsetting.

In terms of production, this was that authentic, gritty, vintage 70’s look I said “The Kitchen” was missing.

On another note: I kinda felt sorry for Phoenix getting put on the spot in this Jimmy Kimmel interview. Phillips sent this outtake over of Phoenix getting agitated with the Cinematographer. It’s funny (hope Cher thinks so too) and I’m happy to be privy to a moment on set like this; but really, it was wrong of his director to betray him this way. Similarly, I think Taylor Swift’s mom should not have sent that video to Fallon of her and the banana after Lasik surgery – Both Joaquin & Taylor genuinely seem blindsided.

Tinsel & Tine the Large Association of Movie Blogs (aka the LAMb) rating 5 outta 5


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