7 PM. It will be shown at the Philadelphia Film Center in honor of Martin Luther King Day.
AVA DUVERNAY | USA | 2014 | 128 MIN | PG-13
Director Ava DuVernay’s Oscar-winning dramatization of the 1965 voting rights marches from Selma to Montgomery is remarkable for its grounded, vital rendering of a mythic moment in American history. SELMA follows Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (David Oyelowo) in the months leading up to the demonstrations, as his attempts to persuade President Lyndon Johnson (Tom Wilkinson) are consistently rebuffed and the work of black civil rights activists in Alabama is met with state-sanctioned violence. In their depiction of King, DuVernay and Oyelowo capture the complexity of the legendary figure, daring to delve beyond his public strength by exploring his private doubts. Yet the film also highlights the work of the numerous, lesser-known activists who marched and sometimes gave their lives for the cause of equal rights, making SELMA a stirring tribute to their personal sacrifice and quiet heroism.
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Check out Tinsel & Tine’s 2014 Interview with Ava DuVernay
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