Interviews Archives


By Le Anne Lindsay, Editor

Half the fun of writing Tinsel & Tine is never knowing what kind of exciting invitation is right around the corner – who would have thought I’d get a chance to interview rapper, writer, producer, mogul, actor Ice Cube!  Of course, it was hard not to ask questions about Straight Outta Compton, but I knew I needed to be a professional and stick to things pertaining to the movie at hand – Barbershop 3: The Next Cut, which I screened the night before with Cube and comedian/cast member Deon Cole on the red carpet.

Sidenote: I did however, get Cube to autograph my Straight Outta Compton Director’s Cut DVD & Soundtrack!

I’m good with the previous 2 Barbershop movies, they’re quality comedies unlike (sorry Cube) the Ride Along movies. Barbershop 3 I think is the strongest of the three in terms of tying in social commentary with real laugh out loud humor.

The regulars are back:
Cedric the Entertainer
, Anthony Anderson, Eve, Troy Garity, Sean Patrick Thomas, but there’s no Gina (Queen Latifah) from Beauty Shop, instead the Beauty shop is now part of the Barbershop run by Angie (Regina Hall) as Calvin’s (Cube) partner. Common also joins the cast as Rashad, a barber who married Terri (Eve), and has a son from a previous relationship who’s come to live with them after the boy gets in trouble at his old school. Calvin’s tight with Rashad but doesn’t trust his son who seems to be a bad influence on Calvin’s own son, now 14 year-old.
Nicki Minaj
is Draya a half dressed weave expert with designs on Rashad.

Every day y’all are here complaining about fake weaves and fake asses, but all the girls you like have exactly that:
 fake weaves and fake asses.

“We’re just talking about real stuff,” says Nicki Minaj, joining the cast as Draya, one part sweet sass to two parts vamp. Or is it the other way around? “I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t fall in love with the script. One of the things that interested me was that it felt like a realistic conversation from beginning to end”.

There’s a number of other good b,c & d plots, but what’s important is that the movie, this time directed by Malcolm D. Lee (The Best Man & The Best Man Holiday click for T&T interview w/ Lee), retains that sense of community and crazy quasi-Cheers type conversations at the Barbershop.

Tinsel & Tine Interviews Ice Cube in Philly

The day after the red carpet I joined 2 other journalists -Thomasena Farrar of MusicMoviesThoughts and Yanina Carter of 900AM WURD for a sit down with Ice Cube & Deon Cole in a fab room at the new Logan Hotel Philadelphia (formerly the Four Seasons). Seated conversation style in plush chairs in front of the fire place, we got a chance to discuss Cube’s mind-set for success; The importance of black father’s stepping up; What each of the 3 directors have added to the Barbershop Franchise; Cedric the Entertainers welcome to the new cast and more… (watch below 7 min Video):

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Barbershop 3: The Next Cut hits Theaters Friday, April 15, 2016

T & T’s LAMB (movie bloggers association) Score: 4 outta 5

#PHILLYCALENDAR on Monday, April 11th Tinsel & Tine and our Female Subscribers have been invited to a “Girls Night Out” Free Preview Screening of Barbershop 3: The Next Cut at Riverview Theater with a Complimentary Happy Hour with Buffet prior to the screening at Warmdaddy’s Restaurant.

To join the festivities become a Tinsel & Tine Subscriber! #filmnfood


Slideshow: Warmdaddy’s Pre-Barbershop 3 Screening
Happy Hour:

Each Subscriber invited 3 guests.
Attending: Rochelle Baillie, Linda Brooks, Stephanie Corsi, Jocelyn & Jackie Dixson, Kelli Ezekiel, Alise Johnson, Jasmine Johnson, Albertina Lark, Lakisha Lucas, Terri Matthew, Alacia Maxon, Lisa Mayo, Monae Meekins, Sakinah Parks, Laura Resnick, Madeline Rivera, Denise Williams, Anita Winfield

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Tinsel & Tine provides year-round free promotion, sparking conversations and awareness, celebration and reviews of the movie industry - from local indie shorts to international films/filmmakers, to studio driven movies/moviemakers. Mixed with a spotlight on Philly Happenings. #MiniMovieReview #PhillyCalendar

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