I love this entire review. It’s simplistic and a quick read, yet gives a great description of the movie…
The Wolf of Wall Street is a bacchanal barrage of booze, broads and blow that will have you laughing — or shaking your head — because of its cynically unabashed exuberance…
They (Martin Scorsese, Leonardo DiCaprio and Terence Winter) create an almost surreal, carnal, carnival-like atmosphere where these self-proclaimed masters of the universe grow more and more intoxicated and invincible, as the money continues to pour in from unsuspecting suckers… READ MOREBob Bloom
Tinsel & Tine’s Take
Undoubtedly, this version of The Wolf of Wall Street would be great as a director’s cut for the DVD, but for theatrical release, only a sweeping saga like Gone With the Wind, has a right to be nearly 3 hours long. Jonah Hill as Jordan Belfort’s (DiCaprio) nihilistic right hand man, Donnie Azoff, has some fantastic scenes, that you just know were all ad-libbed, but again, we don’t need it all in real time – Marty please, take the funniest bits and leave the rest on the cutting room floor! With the exception of the kicking in of the Lemon Quaalude’s – this is a scene that you won’t soon forget; it will be parodied many times, in many forms, I have no doubt. Who knew Leo could be such a physically comedic actor. At times he channels the late, great Jack Tripper (John Ritter).
Australian actress Margot Robbie stands out as Jordan’s trophy wife, Naomi “The Duchess of Bay Ridge Brooklyn” who manages to enjoy all the riches without getting her hands dirty, and is the only one who comes the closest to keeping Jordan in line, which not even his explosive father, played by the one and only Rob Reiner can do.
Matthew McConaughey’s cameo as Belfort’s first boss and self-indulgent mentor is an Oscar worthy performance, MM’s had a stellar 2013!
I read that the real life Jordan Belfort is now living a life of repentance; yet the joy of the movie is that this character makes no excuses, feels there should be no end, no limit, no fear, and when fear does creep in, he quiets it with an arsenal of pharmaceuticals. Sometimes I think we all should be playing the game of life more fast and loose, it certainly has its payoffs – Consequences?… well,… in Belfort’s case he just kept rolling the dice, sometimes it would come up craps, but that just meant, roll again!
T &T’s LAMB Score: 4 outta 5 Lambs
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Leonardo DiCaprio – We want it to be a grand American epic of greed and pull no punches, push the envelope, and go the distance with it.’ So I re-approached it and brought it back to Marty and said, “Look, we really don’t get opportunities like this very often. These things really don’t come out of the studio system.” And thankfully he agreed to do the film again and here we are…
Terence Winter (Screenwriter) I set about the research process. I met with Jordan several times – lunches, dinners, had dinner with his parents who are absolutely lovely, his ex-wife, spoke to the FBI agent who arrested him who assured me that every single thing in that book was true, which was even more incredible to me. I went out to Stratton Oakmont, his house, I actually had Jordan come in to CAA and give one of those incredible speeches to a room full of assistants to see him actually do it, which was pretty incredible…
Martin Scorsese I read the script and as in many, many times for me, when something is given to me by other people, I don’t necessarily respond to it right away…”Raging Bull” took six years or seven. I have to find my own way with it… READ MORE Shaina411 The Source
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Thank you Lauren! For a long movie, it is a fast paced ride!
Love your post, love the movie – Yes, yes and yes!!!!!