Devouring an Old Favorite: Jurassic Park 3D
I saw Jurassic Park 3D last Saturday
(Opens today 4/5). Totally forgot how good a flick this movie is!
Or maybe I never really knew, as 20 years ago I was too young to
appreciate the pacing, perfect casting (Where’s Sam Neill been?) and
ratcheting tension.
(Opens today 4/5). Totally forgot how good a flick this movie is!
Or maybe I never really knew, as 20 years ago I was too young to
appreciate the pacing, perfect casting (Where’s Sam Neill been?) and
ratcheting tension.
Still love when the T Rex is reflected in the
rear view mirror that reads – “objects are closer than they appear”.
And when that piece of bloody goat foot lands on top of the jeep’s
rear view mirror that reads – “objects are closer than they appear”.
And when that piece of bloody goat foot lands on top of the jeep’s
Trying to figure out why Samuel L.
Jackson looks older 20 years ago than he does today, is he doing a Benjamin Button?
Jackson looks older 20 years ago than he does today, is he doing a Benjamin Button?
But what’s most notable is how the CGI of the late 20th Century can totally hold it’s own against, what I’ve seen lately. Those dinosaurs are still amazingly believable to me. Seeing it on the big screen again allowed me to experience that same sense of wonder Drs Grant and Sattler embody upon first setting eyes on the creatures they’ve speculated about for so long.
But in terms of the 3D, I really didn’t see where it enhanced the movie one bit. It didn’t take away from this Spielberg classic either, it just wasn’t detectable to my eyes.
My only disappointment was that my 10 year-old nephew wasn’t able to see it with me, his mean Mom (kidding Crystal) made him go shopping for an Easter suit instead
Be sure to expose your younger than 30 year-old to this timeless adventure, back on the big screen for a limited time.
11 Reasons to See ‘Jurassic Park 3D’ in Theaters
Lamb Score – 5 out of 5
Philly Film Blog
Thanks for commenting!
If anyone else thinks the 3D really improved the movie, be sure to weigh in!
wow! surprised the 3C didn't make it even better. Glad to know. Tx 4 ur review!
Just like with Jurassic Park, I haven't seen the other two in the series since they were in the theater. Hope they release them again too!
Dosti SMS
always loved the jurasic park series and now in 3d it just azaming.. recollected the childhood thrill while watching the movie in school days….