
Cheap Trick at the Piazza / Submit Film to PFF

Had my blogging hat on for Philadelphia Film Society last night, at their screening of Cheap Trick’s Live at Budokan at the Piazza. I also put on my interviewing hat. Here’s an except from the post. Click the link below to read full post on PFS site.

…And later during the film I sat in front of these two gentlemen, from their comments I could tell they were really familiar with the music. On the right is Robert, he has a masters in music composition. On the left is Derrick, he’s a musician that still plays quite a bit. And here’s their take on Cheap Trick:

The band is one of the greatest power pop bands of all time, power pop is a genre that sort of the psychic continuation of the Beatles if you will, with heavier guitars, into the 70’s and 80’s. In fact, we were in a power pop band called Wunderband in NYC in the late 80’s & 90’s and were very often compared to Cheap Trick. Subconsciously we must have digested some of their sound, but we weren’t deliberately trying to sound like them. But they are idols of many bands, they don’t get nearly enough credit for what they’ve done. It’s an outrage that they haven’t been inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. By now they should have been recognized for their longevity and influence on so many other musicians; they gig over 200 days a year and they were the first to do a double live album. When you hear hipster bands say “We’re big in Japan”, it’s a reference to these guys… Continued on PFS.

Also happening at PFS –The 19th Philadelphia Film Festival Trailer Competition Your trailer could be seen by thousands of people at the festival! Click for rules and guidelines. Deadline is 5 p.m. on August 15th, so get busy!

Or to submit a film for screening at the 19th PFF, click on logo below


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