
Burnin Hot! – IRON MAN 3

I was just checking out the Iron Man 3
comments on Superherohype.com, Wow! Some of those fanboys are tough, and
not just on the movie, they’re so hateful with each other. I often wonder why I don’t
receive more comments, but if that’s what having comments gets you,
than please keep your thoughts to yourself! Of course, you know, I’m happy to converse with anyone who wants to talk movies pro
or con, food or just chat, but in a fun and civilized manner.

Anyway, I thought Iron Man 3 was
I’ll leave it to the fanboys to really
pick it apart or give it praise, but for me, it had everything: pacing, timing, amazing visuals, superhero humor (verbal & physical)
hit the mark, creative new Iron Man suit technology and several dynamic well plotted storylines
going on simultaneously: 
  1. Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) suffering from
    Post Traumatic Shock Syndrome as a result of his Avengers experience.
  2. Tony & Pepper Potts
    (Gwyneth Paltrow) figuring out domestication.
  3. Crazy Ben Kingsley
    developing two perfected characters.
  4. Emaciated, but still powerful, Don
    as the government’s renamed Iron Patriot.
  5. Hot black Ops (and I
    don’t mean sexy) super soldiers.
  6. Guy Pearce as a villain, maybe more
    despicable than his role in Lawless. 
  7. Even the addition of the
    kid, Harley (Ty Simpkins) and I don’t normally like it when kids are
    added, but because Tony treated him in the same off-hand, sarcastic,
    quick witted way he deals with everyone, it worked.

Director Shane Black hasn’t been around
since the 20th century, known for old classics like Lethal
and The Last Boy Scout, but boy did he come back to the game
with fire! Kudos also to co-writer Drew Pearce and of course Jon
, Robert Downey Jr and everyone at Marvel and Disney Studios for giving us a
great start to our Summer Movie Madness! The Avengers took in
$209 million in its opening weekend, can Iron Man 3 beat it?

(5/6/13 update: Kicking off the Summer movie season this weekend, Iron Man 3 lived up to sky-high expectations with an estimated $175.3 million haul – BoxofficeMojo.com)

Here’s a video interview (5:56 ) of Guy
Pearce discussing joining the Iron Man team, playing  Aldrich Killian and his admiration for
RDJr’s brain:

LAMB Score: 5 out 5

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  • tinseltine.com

    Hey Diane,

    It's impossible not to love Robert Downey Jr's swagger on and off the screen!

    I would say, there's nothing you really need to know about "Iron Man 2" in order to enjoy this one. Even the references to "The Avengers" movie aren't such that you need to know the details of what took place.

    Hope you go see it!

  • Diane

    I usually don't go to superhero movies, but I did see the first Iron Man, and liked it. I didn't see any of the sequels because sequels are usually so corny. Based on your review, I might go see this one. Also, I really like Robert Downey, Jr.

  • tinseltine.com

    I was reading about that on some of the comic sites. Coming at it from a strictly movie going perspective, I thought The Mandarin was a clever twist, but I can imagine not liking this take if I knew the graphic novel history of the character.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting!

  • Anonymous

    Warning, spoilers below

    Well, IM3 was a great film, and ben kingsley is a great actor… however I was VERY disapointed by the mandarin, supposed to be the big badass guy (as in the comics, and even in all the released trailers)
    turning him into an idiot is very very disapointing

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