
Trader Joe’s Tarte D’ Alsace

Everyone knows my love affair with Trader Joe’s – but this is my favorite, favorite thing from there:


The Maitre Pierre Tart D’ Alsace w/ Ham, Caramelized Onions & Gruyere Cheese.

It’s a cross between a pizza, tarte and crepe. The ham is closer to prosciutto, the center of the tarte stays gooey, the crust, when you watch it and don’t let it burn, is golden crunchy.

My friend Heather introduced me to it a couple of years back on NYE and I still make it my go to when I’m feeling blue and need a treat! $4.99.

It’s only enough for 1, don’t even think about sharing 🙂

What do you buy again and again at Trader Joe’s?

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