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Tinsel & Tine Recaps #PFF26

October 19-29, 2017

By Le Anne Lindsay, Editor

#PFF26 DAY 11

And last, but certainly by no means least – SAMMY DAVIS JR: I’VE GOTTA BE ME

Philadelphia Film Festival screening of Sammy Davis Jr documentary

I’m so glad this film completed my screenings at the 26th Annual Philadelphia Film Festival, as it ended things on a high note. Sammy Davis Jr: I Gotta Be Me is part of the PBS American Masters series and is marvelously put together. I highly recommend it for anyone who really loves the nostalgia of show biz and what it truly means to be a performer.

I never really thought about Davis as a polarizing figure, making political headlines or on the front lines of the Civil Rights movement. The film also gave me a better appreciation of his versatile talent and staying power.

By the time we see Gregory Hines & Michael Jackson paying tribute to Davis at his 60th Anniversary TV special,  I was moved to tears.

I’m not certain when PBS will air the doc, but I’ll be sure to blast it on social media when I find out, cause this is worth seeing. Director Sam Pollard

ANIMATED SHORTS PROGRAM – LEGAL SMUGGLING WITH CHRISTINE CHOY | Lewie Kloster | USA | English | 2016 | 4 min – Christine Choy undergoes an adventure of wild proportions when she accidentally illegally smuggles cigarettes.

This was the best film in the animated shorts program, so funny and creatively drawn. Above is an interview from Sundance 2017, with the filmmakers. I can’t believe they had no idea how to animate the drawings when the began.


Alaska is a Drag film review

ALASKA IS A DRAG writer/director Shaz Bennett – This cleverly titled film centers around twins Leo (Martin L. Washington) & Tristen (Maya Washington) living in a trailer in a very depressing looking part of Alaska. Leo works at a fish cannery being bullied by the other works, one in particular, Kyle, used to be his friend until he found out Leo was gay. Tristen is getting chemo for Hodgkin lymphoma and they both want out of Alaska ASAP!

The film has a lot of potential, Margret Cho & Jason Scott Lee have strong cameo roles. The romance blooming between Leo & new fish cannery worker guy Declan (Matt Dallas) is sweet. The problem for me is the film’s a bit too repetitious. How many times did we see that same basin of fish sliding down the assembly line thing to be gutted, leading to a Leo/Tristen post-chemo voguing session? Although, obviously written to effectively show both the drudgery of their day to day and the fabulous ways in which they manage to rise above – I felt like we could have gotten a bit more story and a much better Drag show.

Both filmmaker Shaz Bennett & star Martin L. Washington were in attendance for a post screening Q&A:

World Narrative|Hungary |Ildikó Enyedi: ON BODY AND SOUL
On Body and Soul Film Review Philadelphia Film Festival

Mild-mannered, middle-aged Endre (Géza Morcsányi) performs his daily routine as the financial director of a slaughterhouse with bemused detachment. The shy, awkward demeanor of new quality controller Maria (Alexandra Borbély) initially irks Endre, but these two misfits find an unlikely reason to connect when they learn that they’ve both had the same nightly, pastoral visions of two deer meeting in the woods.

This was one of the quirkiest love stories I’ve ever seen, very strange and strangely beautiful. She’s on the autistic scale somewhere between severely socially inadequate and OCD, and he’s got a useless arm and not much personality either; yet you can’t help but to root for their awkward, hapless attraction.

Bad review for Alex Ross Perry film GOLDEN EXITS
Greaterfilmadelphia Category: Philly Filmmaker Alex Ross Perry’s
GOLDEN EXITS Starring Jason Schwartzman, Mary-Louise Parker, Chloe Sevigny and Emily Browning, great cast playing despicably vacuous characters in an excruciatingly toneless, misery of a movie. Every other person I talked to at the festival lounge after seeing this film, hated it, both film-goer and critic alike. But when I go on Rotten Tomatoes it’s got great reviews. Who can figure!?! I went back to my PFF23 post when Perry attended the festival, to see if I liked his first film LISTEN UP PHILIP, I didn’t really say, but I did put up a good post screening Q&A click HERE to listen.


Le Anne Lindsay & Rel Dowdell Film in Philadelphia
Day 9 was Friday and I didn’t attend any screenings at PFF26, instead I went to the Kimmel Center for the premiere of Philly Filmmaker Rel Dowdell’s documentary WHERE’S DADDY? a film about the issues surrounding the injustices of the Family Court system told from the perspective of fathers.  Rel and I have mutual friends in common and have hung out socially, so it was a particular treat to be there to support his film.  I will create a Where’s Daddy? post soon, which will include a Q&A with director and cast.
After Rel’s screening I was in the perfect place to attend PFF26 Closing Party as it took place on the rooftop of the Kimmel Center.



Indie Film Princess Cyd with Stephen Cone Q&A
Writer/Director STEPHEN CONE was in attendance to answer questions about his latest film PRINCESS CYD (See Q&A video below) – a lighthearted story of Miranda (Rebecca Spence) a semi-famous writer in Chicago, who finds herself entertaining her 16 year-old niece Cyd (Jessie Pinnick) visiting for the summer.
Cyd’s mother, Miranda’s sister, died almost 10 years ago and it seems as though the sisters were on good terms, so it’s unclear why she hasn’t kept in better touch with her niece, as Cyd & Miranda barely know each other, in fact, Cyd has never read any of Miranda’s work.
What Cyd really seems to be into this summer is exploring her sexuality with girls and boys alike, and doesn’t understand her Aunt’s seemingly celibate lifestyle.
“Princess Cyd” is a very enjoyable film – not a lot takes place, yet you feel like you just came from a lovely gathering where you made new friends. Best of all, Miranda in the film is asked the question “What gives you the most joy in life?” And she answers,  CAKE!!!🍰 That’s always my answer!


Dan Gilroy in Philadelphia discussing Roman J. Israel, Esq
ROMAN J. ISRAEL, ESQ – It was exciting to have writer/director DAN GILROY attend the festival and stay for a Q&A post screening – See video below (note Q&A is spoiler free up until the last 5 min.)
Gilroy has written a role about an autistic savant, socially awkward, Civil Rights attorney who sells out his principals and beliefs when he tires of living hand to mouth and gets an opportunity to work for a much larger law firm.
It stars DENZEL WASHINGTON as you’ve never seen him before: 50 lbs overweight, 70’s fro, walking like a schlump and subsisting on peanut butter. Gilroy says Washington was instrumental in not only bringing Roman into being, but was a creative force for the entire movie.
Similarly to Gilroy’s Oscar nominated film “Nightcrawler” (w/ Jake Gyllenhaal), “Roman J. Israel, Esq” is both a fantastic character study and a commentary on our society – this time examining our broken judicial system and the line between morality and opportunity. I think this may be another Oscar contender!
T&T’s the Large Association of Movie Blogs (aka the LAMb) Score: 4.5 outta 5    
In Theaters Thanksgiving!




Volunteers Kim & Nina – Thank You to ALL the #PFF26 Volunteers


ALL IS SEE IS YOU Directed by MARC FORSTER – Technically not part of the festival, but I’m gonna include it any how since I saw it during the Fest:



film review Ana Asensio Most Beautiful Island Philadelphia Film Festival
MOST BEAUTIFUL ISLAND | ANA ASENSIO | USA | English, Spanish | 2017 | 80 min
A tense, harrowing look at the dark side of the American dream, this thriller follows a young immigrant as she risks everything to scrape together a living in dog-eat-dog New York City. 
This film is fantastically nerve-racking, Not only the climax, but I was feeling every ounce of her stressful day leading up to the party. Then once I recovered from the events of the evening; I started thinking about what brought her to New York in the first place and realized there was a part of her that needed something so drastic to take place in order to forgive herself and move on, almost as if she earned a second chance in life.

T&T’s the Large Association of Movie Blogs (aka the LAMb) Score: 4.5 outta 5 


Philadelphia Film Festival 2017 red carpet interviews
Flesh & Blood Cast: Guillermo Santos, Cheri Honkala, Mark Webber
I screened a Greaterfilmadelphia film, which means it was shot in or around the Philadelphia area. It included a quick red carpet interview with Philly filmmaker MARK WEBBERFLESH AND BLOOD was filmed in North Philadelphia, based on real life events. Webber intentionally straddles the line between narrative & documentary, as he comes to terms with past mistakes and examines family dynamics. His actual mother Cheri Honkala and brother Guillermo Santos have no difficulties being both actors and themselves as they lay their lives out there for us all to see. Cheri actually ran for Vice President of the United States under Green Party candidate Jill Stein in 2012.
As a starting point for the film, Webber’s own character is getting out of prison, having done a 5 year stint and is now ready to make a fresh start. In real life, Mark Webber has not done jail time. However, this device works well as a reason to get into his family’s dysfunctions.
Actress Madeline Brewer is also in the film as Mark’s ex-girlfriend, her character has had a baby with another man while he’s been away. It was driving me crazy during the movie trying to remember where I knew Brewer from and couldn’t wait to IMDB her after the film.  She’s Janine from The Handmaid’s Tale, I didn’t recognise her with 2 eyes!
On  the red carpet, I asked Mark if he made the film intentionally to heal or was the cathartic results just a positive byproduct? And also, to name his favorite foodie spot in Philly? See below video for answers…
T&T’s the Large Association of Movie Blogs (aka the LAMb) score: 3.5 outta 5
#FleshandBlood plays in Philly starting November 3rd

Red Carpet interview with writer/director SEAN BAKER for the FLORIDA PROJECT:
Sean Baker in Philadelphia discussing his film The Florida Project


Brooklynn Prince, obviously a huge Star Wars fan, being interviewed by Daisy Ridley is SO adorable:



*Warning* Q&A contains Spoilers – BLAME screened during The Philadelphia Film Festival #PFF26. The film uses Arthur Miller’s classic drama as a jumping off point, to tell the story of a high school student’s, (played by writer/director Quinn Shephard) return to school after some time off for psychiatric counseling, the other kids in school call her Sybil (multiple personalities) You start to understand why when landing the role of Abigail in “The Crucible” begins to transform her into the character, including encouraging an inappropriate relationship with her appealing Drama teacher (Chris Messina (The Mindy Project)

Also in attendance Nadia Alexander who plays the rival and school bitch and Laurie Shephard, film’s producer and Quinn’s mother.


Last night’s Philadelphia Film Society PHILADELPHIA FILM FESTIVAL opening night party was at CODA after a double screening of the opening night film…

– Movie – dir. Craig Gillespie – It’s good – Part Mockumentary, Part Drama, Part Comedy, sometimes even talking to the 4th wall, but the whole concept worked well. Margo Robbie did her best to play low class, but it’s not in her face, it was hard to believe she wouldn’t be accepted by the skating world due to her trailer trash upbringing because even with bad wigs and cheap clothes, she still looks very acceptable. Amy Schumer would have been a good choice, if she slimmed down a bit. Amy Adams could definitely have pulled it off, but she’s just too old.Allison Janney as Tonya’s abusive, tough talking, chain smoking, bird lovin Momma was a hoot!

T&T’s the Large Association of Movie Blogs (aka the LAMb)Score: 4 outta 5


Philadelphia Film Festival Award Winning Films PFF26
Each October, the Philadelphia Film Society hosts the Philadelphia Film Festival, which gathers more than 25,000 dedicated film lovers and scores of talented filmmakers for 11 exceptional days. The Philadelphia Film Festival offers a veritable smorgasbord of cinematic delicacies, from Q&As with filmmakers and celebrity guests to special events in the festival’s lounge. And of course there are the films! This year we start the fest off with a bang or rather an assault with the Tonya Harding story…
I Tonya screening at Philadelphia Film Festival 2017
Opening Night Film: I, TONYA, Director Craig Gillespie. 2017, USA.
Margot Robbie shines as the champion athlete turned Hard Copy sensation ‎in this dark, energetic, shockingly hilarious, surprising, touching biopic of figure skater Tonya Harding.It’s unlikely that anyone will be able to think of Tonya Harding quite the same way after watching Craig Gillespie’s revelatory biopic I, TONYA, an empathic ode to defiance centered around a divisive antiheroine. READ MORE

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri screening at Philadelphia Film Festival 2017
Closing Night Film: THREE BILLBOARD OUTSIDE EBBING MISSOURI | Director Martin McDonagh. 2017, USA
One of the most anticipated films of the season, this darkly comic tale of anger and anguish rippling through a small Midwestern town stars Frances McDormand, Woody Harrelson, and Sam Rockwell.Few artists working today are more nimble and daring with tone than playwright-turned-filmmaker Martin McDonagh. In films like IN BRUGES and plays such as the Leenane and Aran Islands trilogies, McDonagh deploys humor and heartbreak almost simultaneously. His latest film, THREE BILLBOARDS OUTSIDE EBBING, MISSOURI, stars Frances McDormand as a flinty shopkeeper still reeling from the violent, unsolved murder of her daughter nearly a year ago. One day, in a fit of pique, she directs a blunt cry of frustration towards the town sheriff (Harrelson) in the form of three blood-red billboards reading “Still No Arrests?” “How Come, Chief Willoughby?” READ MORE 

Centerpiece film screenings at The Philadelphia Film Festival
Centerpiece Screenings: 10/20 7:15 – Last Flag Flying, Director Richard Linklater. 2017, USA | 10/21 7:50pm – The Florida Project, Director Sean Baker. 2017, USA

| 10/22 7:45pm – Lady Bird, Director Greta Gerwig. 2017, USA | 10/23 8pm –  Darkest Hour, Director Joe Wright. 2017, UK

Jonathan Demme Retrospective Philadelphia Film Festival #PFF26
From the Vaults: “Demme in Philly”  JONATHAN DEMME RETROSPECTIVE – director Jonathan Demme best known for the Academy Award-winning 1993 film Philadelphia, died in April at age 73 of complications from heart disease and cancer.The retrospective will focus on movies the director filmed, at least partially, in Philly – 10/21 2pm BELOVED (1998) | 10/22 3:20 NEIL YOUNG TRUNK SHOW (2009) | 10/25 6pm PHILADELPHIA (1993)

T&T’s Pick for Greaterfilmadelphia Film

Alaska is a Drag screening at The Philadelphia Film Festival 2017
Oct 25th 6:10pm | Oct 28th 9pm

Dreaming of trading small-town Alaska for the bright lights of Hollywood, aspiring drag queen Leo prepares for two very different competitions: a drag pageant and a boxing match.Quick-witted, self-confident, and fabulous in even the dreariest conditions, Leo (Philly native Martin L. Washington, Jr.) sticks out like a sore thumb in his small Alaska town. Though he spends his days working at a very unglamorous fish cannery where he’s forced to fight off homophobic bullies, Leo and his spunky twin sister Tristen (Maya Washington) are determined to ditch Alaska and follow their mother to Hollywood...READ MORE 

T&T’s Pick for American Independents Film

The Endless screening at The Philadelphia Film Festival 2017
Oct 24th  8:30pm | Oct 26th 9:30pm
Two brothers return to the cult they escaped from years ago in this strikingly inventive and mind-twisting sci-fi tale from writer/director duo Aaron Moorhead and Justin Benson (V/H/S, PFF 2014).In the five years since filmmaking duo Moorhead and Benson’s feature film debut, they have firmly established themselves in the indie horror community as filmmakers to watch. Their originality and cinematic ingenuity belie their limited budgets, proving that you don’t need big bucks to make a great film. You just need a great idea, like the one at the core of THE ENDLESS. A decade ago, brothers Aaron and Justin (played by non-brothers Moorhead and Benson) escaped from what Justin remembers as a “UFO death cult.” When a mysterious video entices them to return in search of closure, Aaron goes hoping for the best, while Justin fully expects the worst. Once there, however, they discover that little has changed. Everyone they remember is still there—happy, healthy and looking good…READ MORE

T&T’s Pick for Documentary Film

Brimstone and Glory screening at The Philadelphia Film Festival 2017
Oct 22 2:4pm | Oct 28 5pm
This spellbinding and visually stunning documentary showcases the danger and beauty of a Mexican fireworks festival and shines a light on the people who risk their lives daily to create, build, and launch these dazzling spectacles.A visual symphony of color and light, BRIMSTONE AND GLORY focuses on the city of Tultepec, capital of Mexico’s popular firework-making industry and home to the National Pyrotechnic Festival. This multi-day celebration honors patron saint of firework makers San Juan de Dios, who was said to have bravely rescued people from a burning building, miraculously escaping without a burn on his body. Director Viktor Jakovleski’s first feature-length film portrays the sheer awe and beauty of this deeply rooted part of the city’s culture with nearly abstract imagery of fire and carefully orchestrated explosions. Jakovleski doesn’t shy away from depicting the dangers of the profession, with tense, first-person perspectives that provoke anxious anticipation as workers climb towering “castles of fire” and run amongst larger-than-life bulls bursting with flames…READ MORE


JANE screening at The Philadelphia Film Festival 2017
Oct 20th 5pm |Oct 21 12noon


An intimate, found-footage portrait of famed researcher and primatologist Jane Goodall, JANE takes a detailed look into her unconventional life in the wild and the enduring legacy she created.

Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Brett Morgen (THE KID STAYS IN THE PICTURE), JANE documents the groundbreaking relationship that pioneering researcher Jane Goodall had with wild Chimpanzees in Gombe National Park, Tanzania. Until Goodall’s remarkable research and observations first conducted in the 1960s, it was believed that humans were the only animals capable of rational thought. A novice scientist with no degree or professional training, Goodall nevertheless traversed the African wilderness with effortless determination, spending countless hours patiently watching, observing, and befriending these elusive primates. In doing so, she revolutionized the field of primatology….READ MORE

T&T’s Spotlight Film Pick

Michelle Pfeiffer in Where is Kyra screening at The Philadelphia Film Festival 2017
Oct 26th 5pm | Oct 28 7:15pm
WHERE IS KYRA? | ANDREW DOSUNMU | USA | ENGLISH | 2016 | 99 MINIn this stunningly composed drama, Michelle Pfeiffer stars as Kyra, a debt-ridden and desperate woman who will go to unthinkable lengths to stay afloat after the passing of her mother.

Shrouded in shadow and dim light, the New York City home of elderly Ruth (Suzanne Shepherd) is like a living tomb. Ruth’s daughter Kyra (Michelle Pfeiffer) is a struggling divorcée who’s been out of work for nearly 22 years, instead funneling all of her attention to her terminally ill mother, whose meager pension she depends on to survive. When Ruth’s inevitable passing occurs, Kyra must confront the fact that she has no means of income, no competitive skills, and not even a friend or loved one to turn to. Due to a clerical error, Kyra continues to receive monthly checks, though only Ruth could legally cash them. What begins as a last resort option unravels into a web of lies for Kyra…READ MORE

T&T’s World Cinema Film Pick

Holy Air film screening at The Philadelphia Film Festival 2017
Oct 22 6:50pm | Oct 23 1:50pm

| SHADY SROUR | ISRAEL | 2017 | 81 MIN
A charming comedy set in the most sacred of places, HOLY AIR follows an entrepreneurial Nazareth man on the brink of fatherhood as he attempts to cash in on his newest endeavor: selling “holy air” to tourists.Although it seems like anyone would prefer joke and Bible verse-inscribed toilet paper to the basic roll, Adam (writer/director Shady Srour) and his latest business venture are met with a shrug. Facing the news of an expecting wife (standout Laëtitia Eïdo) and caring for his ailing father, the downtrodden Arab Christian businessman must find alternative means if he is to provide for his growing family and overcome his self-medicated doldrums. He finds a solution in an unlikely place: the biblical Mount Precipice and Nazareth’s burgeoning religious tourism scene. Adam’s $1, bottled “holy air” awakens within him a shrewd salesman whose bravado knows no limits as he courts the thousands of Christians that seek blessed souvenirs every day…READ MORE

Food and Film Blog Tinsel & Tine #PFF26

PFF26 FOOD & FILM / REELS & DEALS Local Restaurants Giving Discount to Festival Attendees…

Philadelphia Restaurant Discounts during The Philadelphia Film Festival 2017
Foodie Note: This Year’s Festival Lounge: 33 S 3rd Street great place to hang between screenings FREE Munchies!  

Foodie Note: Ariana Afghan Cuisine (134 Chestnut St) will give you 5% off your entire bill (eat in only) if you mention Tinsel & Tine sent you!
(Offer good from October 16th – November 6th, 2017).

Foodie Note: Check Out T&T’s 2016 Feature on LUNA CAFE


Le Anne Lindsay with Damien Chazelle Philadelphia Film Festival 2016
UPDATES of coverage can be found on our social media platforms 
@tinseltine (facebook, twitter, tumblr, google+) & @tinsel_tine Instagram
Click HERE to see Tinsel & Tine Coverage from #PFF25
Sponsors list for The Philadelphia Film Festival 2017 #PFF26
The Philadelphia Jewish Film Festival 2017
Tinsel & Tine is listed as Community Partner for these Foodie Films & We’re Giving away Tickets to each of these films, be sure to Subscribe to our Newsletter to Enter!


LET YOURSELF GO (Nov 16 11am)


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