Abandon Ship! Summer Projects & Procrastination
I realize I've had a couple of summers recently, where I've been pulled into projects that I should be up for doing. That should be in my wheelhouse, and yet, I never feel that way, Imposter Syndrome, I suppose. But also, a lack of motivation, it always feels like too much work for not enough pay off or something along those lines...
12th Annual BlackStar Film Festival Coverage August 2-6
Once again we went through the film programming process with a brilliant group of curators, makers, and thinkers. At this year’s festival we will explore wide-ranging and urgent themes, from queer futures in cinema to climate justice and resistance to land theft...
5 Questions for Filmmakers Alexis Neophytides and Andres “Jay” Molina – FIRE THROUGH DRY GRASS
But instead of history repeating itself on this tiny island with a dark history of institutional neglect and abandonment, Fire Through Dry Grass shows these disabled Black and Brown artists refusing to be abused, confined, erased.