Flood the Drummer Interview: MARLON WAYANS – A Haunted House 2
Marlon Wayans “Desperate for Laughs” in A Haunted House 2 For Marlon Wayans, it’s all jokes. He’s not trying to change the world, just your mood. A Chat with Funny Man – @MarlonWayans – A Haunted House 2 http://t.co/RIS2bLIUdO #BlogHerTalks — Tinsel & Tine (@tinseltine) April 13, 2014 By Tinsel & Tine Blog Contributor: Christopher “Flood the Drummer®” Norris “All the Wayans have a certain flavor of comedy,” Marlon tells me, citing his blend as “a spicy crispy” that may “burn your mouth.” Marlon’s older sister Kim calls him “desperate” and he, without argument, would agree. “I will go to wild places to make people laugh. I don’t give a fuck;…
Around the Web w/ CAPTAIN AMERICA: The Winter Soldier
You know me and war movies, even comic book depicted war I try to avoid as much as possible, so I wasn’t interested in seeing Captain America The First Avenger when it came out in 2011. And the first Thor movie, well, I just kinda let it pass for no real good reason (I’m caught up now). Originally, I was mostly only into Iron Man, mainly due to my love for Robert Downey, Jr.,. Then later, The Avengers movie looked like a hoot, so I definitely wanted and did see that in the theater; which clued me in on how intertwined the whole Marvel Universe is throughout each movie,…
Guest Blogger – Mark Nadler: I’m A Stranger Here Myself Review
In one of my former lives, I actually had a job I rather enjoyed. It was being a Cabaret hostess for AMTF’s (Former name of the Prince Theater) Cabaret series at the Bellevue hotel. It was a glam job. I got to dress up, introduce the performer and spend time in an elegant and sophisticated setting. Not to mention, free desserts and champagne! During those halcyon days, I met John & Robert, two cabaret enthusiasts who attended the series regularly. We had an acquaintance then, but got to be friends later, when coincidentally, I joined the same church where they were already members. When the opportunity came up to see…