Filadelphia Latin American Film Festival Round Up
I try to stay plugged into the local Philly Film Scene, but it’s easy to get caught up in the new box office releases and miss some good stuff going on around me. I did make it to a couple of XPN Music Film Film Festival (click for post) screenings and events, but I completely dropped the ball when it came to Cinedelphia’s Film Festival. Thanks to T & T’s new blog contributor Chris “Flood the Drummer” Norris, I did attend opening night of the The Filadelfia Latin American Film Festival (held April 27-28, 2013). Susan Cherin and Chris Norris Chris’ grandmother is one of the organizers of this festival,…
More Icing than Cake: THE BIG WEDDING
Susan Sarandon age 66, caught in the act with her panties down, makes being on the other side of the hill, sexy! And in terms of style, energy and love of life, same goes for Diane Keaton and Robert DeNiro. I’m sure it comes as no surprise, that these three are the reason to see writer/director Justin Zackham (screen writer of The Bucket List) new movie The Big Wedding. Screen Picks: You seem to have a fascination with people who are experiencing a vital second or third act in life. What is it about this subject matter that attracts you? Justine Zackham: “I feel like thaere aren’t a lot of…
A Comical look at a True Story, Pain & Gain isn’t Funny to Some
“Pain & Gain Actor Anthony Mackie defends Director Michael Bay’s decision to portray Tragedy as Comedy” By Christopher “Flood the Drummer”® Norris If you’ve never read the story of the “Sun Gym Gang” as chronicled by writer Pete Collins in his 1999 three-part series called Pain & Gain, which was published by Miami’s New Times, then don’t rely on Director Michael Bay’s New movie “Pain &Gain,” which touts “This is a true story,” to give you authentic chronological accounts of the case; nor its preceding murders, tortures, and kidnappings. You can however rely on a ton of laughs from the movies loaded cast which stars Mark Wahlberg as the…
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XPN Music Film Festival Round Up 2013
by Le Anne Lindsay, Editor The XPN Music Film Festival was the second collaboration of the radio station WXPN/and Philly music venue World Cafe Live produced by The Philadelphia Film Society. I got to a few more screenings last year (XPN Music Film Fest 2012), just kinda dipped in and out this year, but what I experienced was worth while! Opening Night was Thursday April 11th- You can’t go wrong opening with something Beatles inspired. In a post apocalyptic world (click for T & T Oblivion post) all that will be left are cockroaches dancing to The Beatles. Honestly though, the opening night film GOOD OL’ FREDA (Director Ryan White)…
No Good Eats in 2077 – OBLIVION
Tom Cruise’s last film, Jack Reacher opened the weekend after the Sandy Hook shootings and I feel it hurt the movie’s box office, big time. He plays Jack Harper in his new movie Oblivion, opening just days after the Boston Marathon Bombing and I fear the timing may have the same effect. You would think Cruise with all his Scientology magic would have better luck. Oblivion joins the ranks of Post Apocalyptic Movies (click for IMDB list). I feel like an expert in this well-worn Sci-fi plot, so I was surprised to go thru the list and find out I’ve only seen a scant few – Logan’s Run, Planet…