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For the last decade seeing the next big superhero movie has been an event.  I mark my calendar way in advance and often times take a day off from work, as many press screenings would be held in the afternoon. So, when it finally was decided that WW1984 would open in some theaters, but mainly everyone would be seeing it on HBOMAX on Christmas Day, it did feel a little anti-climactic. But I agree, it was the right thing to do, and I wonder if Marvel will see fit to do the same thing with Black Widow, just premiere it on Disney+?  I’m sure they’re waiting to see how well either vaccine works before deciding on making it a Memorial Day event.

At any rate, getting a last-minute surprise Wonder Woman 1984 screener link on the 22nd did make it fun, so my sister and I ordered our Indian food and set back to see what writer/director Patty Jenkins (co-writer Geoff Johns) decided Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) had been up to for the last several decades, and it seems she’s been keeping a low profile.  Stopping random crimes and preventing accidents whenever possible, but the world doesn’t know her as Wonder Woman, the way the world accepted the existence of Superman. She has a low-profile job in Washington, DC curating ancient artifacts and doesn’t date or socialize very much at all.

But having kept such a low profile for so long, as both personas, makes it strange that she would create such a big spectacle in a Mall (which were THE social gathering spot of the 80’s) while rounding up some would be bungling jewelry thieves (in actuality artifact thieves). She could have made short work out of the whole thing and kept it on the DL, but instead she’s swinging through the mall on her lariat of truth like it’s a Cirque du Soleil performance.

Kristen Wiig (Barbara Minerva / Cheetah) is a highlight of the movie; I like where she takes her character arc. Barbara is a new employee where Diana works, enormously qualified and yet not recognized by her peers professionally or personally.  She’s in need of friendship and it seems so is Diana, it’s a shame they don’t have time to bond further before the plot takes over. 

The plot involves a wanna be Oil Tycoon, Max Lord (Pedro Pascal aka The Mandalorian) he’s not plotting world domination. He doesn’t want to turn into some grotesque super villain, he has a simple dream of being a CEO of a huge corporation and impressing his young son Alastair (Lucian Perez).  There’s no backstory on when he goes from going about this by traditional means and when he decides he needs a little magical help, going in search of an object charmed by an ancient Wish God, but he’s the ones who hired the bungling thieves in order to get his hands on it. The object ends up where Diana & Barbara work, they both accidentally get their wishes granted; beginning the start of nightmare consequences which will be felt the world over in a Reagan-era, nuclear heighten existence.

Sequels are always tough, especially when the first one is highly praised. It’s human nature to build people and things up, only to throw derision and bring the same people and things down.  Gal Gadot is terrific! She really inhabits the role, I feel, even more than the previous two D.C. movies. She seems more comfortable and confident. There’s some fun moments with Steve (Chris Pine) reversing the roles, as now he’s full of wide-eyed astonishment at the changes of the world (although, escalators have been around since the 1900’s) and we see him this time going through wardrobe choices, loving Pine in a fanny pack!

That being said, I have to admit WW1984 is missing something to really bring heightened engagement.  Somehow you almost feel like she doesn’t need to change into her costume, as she’s far more Diana of Themyscira then Wonder Woman .  There’s a part of the climax when you’re like, huh? How did she get back to her apt to get something I won’t spoil. And I don’t think making a plane physically invisible changes it’s radar detection, but we won’t quibble.  I’m okay with the wish storyline, ultimately, it’s about wanting good for others, and in doing so, you only gain, no one loses.


T&T @largeassmovieblogs rating: 3.75 outta 5

Wonder Woman 2017 Post


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