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WesGold Fellows 3rd Annual FOUNDERS’ RECEPTION – RECAP

West Philadelphia Financial Services Institution



Thursday, October 23, 2014 marked the 3rd Annual Founders’ Reception, held at the Philadelphia Business & Technology Center Penthouse. The event was Catered by Mia and Me and hosted by NBC 10’s Brittney Shipp. The evening is both a fundraiser and a celebration of the West Philadelphia Financial Services Institution’s WesGold Fellows Internship (WGF), an 8 week program which brings Philadelphia inner city high school students into the world of business, finance, real estate development, networking and effective communication. Fundamentally, the program advocates college planning, personal development, career development and financial education – skills required to succeed, after college graduation, no matter the field.

I spoke with one of the 2014 graduating Fellows, Deja Smith, who was chosen as one of the student presenters to speak during the evening’s program. Deja, who aspires to be an English professor one day, wrote a poem about her WGF experience, and delivered it eloquently (Click HERE for video excerpt).  I ask Deja, “What was your favorite part of being a WesGold Fellow?” She responded, “The traveling around the city to visit different businesses, especially the NBA 76ers Corporate Offices and getting a chance to tour the locker room”. (I assume not post game 🙂

The Founders’ Reception is also a time for WPFSI, an organization which provides community development, through financial and technical assistance to areas that have been historically neglected by traditional financial institutions, to celebrate those making a difference in these communities. The evening honored:

Kimberly S. Reed, Managing Partner and CEO of Reed Development Group LLC,
with Earl Boyd Small Business Leadership Award.
Donna Frisby-Greenwood, Program Director for the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation,
with the Jackie Kelley Corporate Leadership Award.

Janet Glenn, nurse, administrator and instructor at the Wedge Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers in Philadelphia, with the Catherine Minnis Community Impact Award.

 The WesGold Fellows program is greatly assisted by college student coordinators. I spoke with Jabari Jones, a student at Drexel’s LeBow College of Business, his role is not as an official WGF Coordinator, but as liaison between WGF and Drexel University. In speaking with Jones, his passion and commitment to the WesGold Fellows Internship program is undeniable. He has almost single-handedly enlisted Drexel University faculty and professors into helping to further the WGF curriculum, along with lecturing and mentoring the Fellows. His focus now is working with Drexel to obtain scholarships for many of the Fellows completing the program.

Executive Director, James Burnett

“Have you thought of starting a program like WesGold Fellows for adults trying to start new businesses or for those starting over period, in these still hard economic times?” was my first question to WPFSI Executive Director, James Burnett.

Burnett responded, “We do seminars for adults on banking, investment, insurance and estate planning. We also have a program called Circle of Life which focuses on seniors, helping them to manage their assets. We offer step by step assistance to maximize the asset’s value and its transference to the next generation. As a people, black folks don’t traditionally transfer wealth, which is why our children, so often, are starting from scratch.”

WPFSI also offers individuals assistance with Wills, financial planning and procuring financing in the forms of grants or small interest loans for those in need of home repairs.

I also wanted to know in what ways has the Founders’ Reception grown in its 3rd year.

Burnett explained the first Reception was intentionally small; exposing the program to a few key people and organizations, approximately 50 attendees. This year the event was a ticketed fundraiser with over 150 attendees. Burnett was also sure to point out the all important addition of sponsors this year – BlueMoon Brewing Co & Brown’s Family ShopRite. (JLH Services, The Pinn Memorial Baptist Church, TGG The Goldenberg Group, Fab Life Insurance Agency LLC, Ezell Dental Laboratory, Harrold’s Used Auto Parts, Third Auto Sales Inc.)

Rightfully proud, Burnett stated, “We feel we have a good product with the program and the importance of what it means to the students, so hopefully next year more sponsorships!

Skai Blue Media hired
me, Le Anne Lindsay, Tinsel & Tine editor to write facebook posts and tweets for WPFSI/WesGold Fellows. Attend, photograph and live tweet the event; culminating in this follow up blog post. Here’s just a
sample of what was produced leading up to the event:

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More social media examples available by request. Also, be sure to check out Tinsel & Tine’s own social media platforms for the best examples of our marketing and branding savvy.

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