Tribeca Film: S#X ACTS
by Le Anne Lindsay, Editor
Israeli filmmaker Jonathan Gurfinkel’s and writer Rona Segal have created a film that feels more like a documentary exposing the cavalier relationship many teens and young adults have with sex. It would seem young women around the world give out BJ’s and hand jobs like it means nothing. If S#X ACTS weren’t in subtitles (Hebrew), I would have sworn the movie was set in a suburb of The United States.
Gili (Sivan Levy) is an attractive girl of about 16 or 17, she’s not traditionally pretty, but definitely appealing, like a cheaper version of a young Marion Cotillard. The film begins with Gili taking selfies, nothing too provocative, and sends one to a guy in her school, Tomer (Roy Nik) he wants to ignore the text, but his friend Omri (Eviatar Mor) eggs him on to call her and invite her to join them at the Mall/Metroplex. Now these guys are hanging with other girls like teens do, but they don’t ask Gili to join them inside with the rest of the group, they meet her outside and the two of them easily set her up for the first of 6 (S#x) sexual encounters which Gili finds herself taking part in during the course of the film.
We never learn a lot about Gili, other than she’s recently transferred to this school and it’s not due to a family move; obviously something went down at her old school, but all she’ll say is that she was looking for a school with a cooler vibe. And that’s just it, other than not being as wealthy as some of the kids in her new school, she is a cool girl. There’s nothing odd or different about her that she couldn’t fit in; yet some lack of self-esteem makes her give in to these guys with just the least amount of flattery on their part. Particularly Omari, who definitely represents that “popular guy” in every school. It doesn’t even seem as though Gili covets him for a boyfriend; it’s more like she thinks eventually she’ll be his hook up of choice, like it will become a mutual sexual relationship, instead of him using her and asking her to pleasure his friends and brother.
Both the sad and good part of S#x Acts is that these encounters are written so realistically – there’s nothing over the top or gratuitous about any of the 6 and we’re left to imagine a 7th sexual favor given by Gili. What we’re witnessing is a social commentary on teenage promiscuity in the age of the over the counter morning after pill.
T &T’s LAMB Score: 3.5 outta 5
Around the Web
Advice from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention on How to Help Promiscuous Teen Girls:
Stay clear of accusations or trying to forbid your teen from acting the way she does. The truth is, you can’t prevent your teen from sleeping around — all you can do is try to help her understand why she’s doing it, so she makes her own choice to stop. If you resort to screaming, yelling or making threats, you’ll likely just make things worse… READ MORE
Sarah Dray Globalpost.com
12/28 Post Update: I failed to mention, this movie and therefore my commentary is all slanted towards the pitfalls of female sexuality. When in reality boy/males need to take responsibility as well. Just because a guy senses a girl might be vulnerable and easy sexual prey, doesn’t mean they should take advantage. We’re so used to feeling like it’s okay for guys to always be looking for sex, because we call it natural; but in reality, it’s up to both sexes to figure out their sexual motivation and sexual mental health.
While You’re Here Check Out Our Last
Tribeca Film Review:
Tinsel & Tine News
I’m in the running for Full Press Access to the 2014 Tribeca Film Festival (April 16-27).
I’ll know shortly if I’ve been approved, but I feel pretty good about it as they sent me the link to apply!
Of course what this means is I’m going to need a place to stay in New York for a couple of nights and some blogging funds for getting around NYC and I really need an iPad or tablet for immediate reporting on the Tribeca Film Festival screenings, press conferences and events!
If you’re a regular reader that knows how important this next step is to me, I’d love some support.
Thank you!
Le Anne
Philly Film, Food & Events Blog