
Traders Joes: Veggie Dishes

I struggle when it comes to eating enough vegetables during the week.  I like them, but there’s always something more fun and readily available to eat outside of the veggie family.

Although recently, I have discovered two veggie combinations from Trader Joe’s that I can put together in minutes and actually look forward to having:

This freshly packaged Brussels Sprouts Sauté comes all together with cranberries, onions, bacon, hazelnuts and container of balsamic dressing.

The ingredients come layered, so first I caramelize the onions and bacon in a little olive oil, before adding in the finely chopped brussels sprouts. After sauteing for about 5 minutes, I added in the balsamic dressing. Another 10-12 mins on low heat and it’s done.  Just stir in the hazelnuts and cranberries and you have an excellent side dish or main course when watching your weight.
$3.99  Tinsel & Tine rating: 3 Tines

I also recently discovered the Healthy 8 chopped veggie mix: broccoli, carrots, green cabbage, red cabbage, jicama, green bell peppers, radish and celery.

The veggies are all raw and bite sized.  Sometimes I eat it as a salad with diced chicken or tuna. But most often I sauté the mix in a little olive oil and garlic, lightly to keep the veggies kinda crisp. Then I add them to the Organic Tomato and Roasted Red Pepper Soup and top it with crumbled feta or bleu cheese and sprinkle of red peppers seeds. $2.99 veggies / $2.79 soup
Tinsel & Tine rating: 3 Tines

Now, if only I ate these two dishes all the time, I might actually be able to get back into this adorable gingham dress this summer.

Also see Trader Joe’s post: Chicken Quesadillas & Lobster Ravioli:

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