Movie News

Tinsel & Tine: ANNUAL OSCARS ROUND UP 2012

By Le Anne Lindsay, Editor

The 84th Annual Academy Awards Recap

Tradition may be safe, but not necessarily boring. Billy Crystal was the go to, tried and true choice to host The 84th Annual Academy Awards (9th x) after the Brett Ratner “gay slur”  firing and subsequent pull out of Eddie Murphy as host.

And I think most everyone in the room and in their living rooms agreed it was a good choice. Who doesn’t enjoy Crystal’s clever little Oscar song, which gently pokes fun at the nominations, offends no one, and uses tunes in the public domain.

And although others now use the gimmick, Crystal was the first to superimpose himself into scenes from the movies being celebrated. This year, even better than the kiss he received from Clooney while lying in a hospital bed; was seeing him eat a piece of poop pie from The Help, and then walk in on the bathroom scene from Bridesmaids. I also loved him in the Tintin wig.

Last year, I went to the Oscar party at The Bryn Mawr Film Institute. It was fun to watch the telecast on the big screen with other film-goers; but I think it’s more fun to stay at home and watch with virtual friends.

A lot of people were tweeting and posting about the terrible sound quality of the Oscar telecast.
At first I couldn’t hear it, cause my TV is 20 years-old, but eventually it got so bad even my ancient speakers picked up a terrible white noise and reverb. What was that all about!?!

I don’t feel we get to see enough celebs on the red carpet. Every news outlet and red carpet host interviews the same few people.  So, out of the slim choices, I chose for my BEST DRESSED:

Rooney Mara this Givenchy gown was made for someone very slender with delicate bone structure. Isaac Mizrahi commented that she was channeling a little Audrey Hepburn and I definitely agree.

 Also liked:

Penelope Cruz in Armarni Prive. So feminine and lovely! The color changed in different lighting. I originally thought it was lavender, but onstage it was a grayish blue. Either way it was beautiful and so was Penelope.

Giving good face- fresh makeup and glowing good health – I have to go with Michelle Williams – her dress was fine, but her face was radiant!

I didn’t have any Not Best Dressed this Year – adorable Emma Stone could probably have gone with a younger looking dress, but I’m not hating on her choice.

Not in love with a mustachioed Bradley Cooper, but I’m assuming he’s in the middle of shooting a movie. I hope.


Big Congrats go out to Octavia Spencer winning Best Supporting Actress

“Thank you Academy for putting me with the hottest guy in the room,” she said, referring to the golden Oscar statuette.
Fighting back tears and thanking her family and fellow cast members, she said, “I’m wrapping up, I’m sorry, I am freaking out. Thank you world.”

I was also happy about the win for Best Original Screenplay going to Midnight in Paris.  This film is a very clever, romantic fantasy and I’m sorry I never wrote any commentary on it last year.  I did like Billy Crystal’s comment about Owen Wilson doing an impression of Woody Allen as a Gentile.

Meryl Streep’s gets my vote for best acceptance speech of the night. It set a good tone – balance between Hollywood niceties, genuine emotion, humor, humility and pride.  You can watch the clip on – Streep’s Oscar Speech 

Although I only found The Artist to be a pleasantly amusing film.  I do agree with actor James Cromwell’s assessment regarding its win:

 What I think it says to a lot of filmmakers is you don’t have to make conventional Hollywood films. You can make something off-beat. You know if they had tried to sell that film in Hollywood – a silent, black and white film, with nobody in it that anyone knew; they wouldn’t have gotten passed the secretary. But this allows young filmmakers to know that they can create out of their vision and out of their artistry, and it will be accepted by people because we connect to stories, that’s how we recognize each other. – interview on Live with Kelly Post-Oscar party

When you’re reading, responding, tweeting and facebook posting during the Red Carpet and Awards, there’s never a dull moment:

LeAnne Lindsay (Tinsel & Tine): My favorite part of The Oscars is coming up – the postmortem. It’s kinda like people who like to read obits.

Like · · 11 hours ago

    • Barbara Hammond I was very happy it ended with Elizabeth Taylor and not Whitney…

      11 hours ago · Like
    • LeAnne Lindsay me too

      11 hours ago · Like · 1
    • Denine Gorniak And we get to be reminded of the ones died that we forgot or who we thought had died years ago like Jackie Cooper and peter falk.

      10 hours ago · Like · 1
    • Denine Gorniak Me three!

      10 hours ago · Like
    • Walton Van Winkle III I an a radical. The last time my favorite movie won the Oscars was Midnight Cowboy. Now the movie I loved won again. Though, I do have to say my second was Hugo. What a difference from the days of Midnight Cowbay.mthe Artist and/or Hugo! How innocent! My heros during that time in between were Felini, Bergman, and Berteluci. My other hero is Pete Weir.

      10 hours ago · Like
    • LeAnne Lindsay I’ve never seen Midnight Cowboy. Can you believe I was a year old when it won. The last time I was happy with a Best picture win was Crash in 2005.

      10 hours ago · Like
    • Walton Van Winkle III O boy. And I wasn’t feeling THAT old.

      10 hours ago · Like
    • Walton Van Winkle III For joyous film, you have to see Avanti with Jack Lemon and Juliet Mills. A Billy Wilder film. You have to see it at least two time to get all the jokes.

      10 hours ago · Like
    • Walton Van Winkle III I saw Christopher Plummer on Broadway playing Iago to James Earl Jones Othello on Broadway in 1982. Great! He is theater more than film.

      10 hours ago · Like
    • LeAnne Lindsay Jack Lemon was one of my very favorite actors, but I admit, I don’t even know the movie Avanti, will check Netflix. It would have been wonderful to see Plummer & Jones on stage together, even reading the phone book!

      · Like

Here’s the complete list of Oscar nominated Winners



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  • Barbara

    Nice job LeAnne! We've gone to Oscar parties in the past but I agree with you, it's best watched at home. And, last night was even better because we were sharing while watching but not missing any of the good stuff.

  • The Bicycle-Chef

    nice recap. it was one of the better awards ceremonies I can remember in YEARS! And so much better than last year's pandering to who, no one! The younger set didn't get it, the older folks didn't appreciate it and us middle of the road aged folks felt belittled! Billy was a fine host – after Carson, who else could handle the mantle so well? Every comedian has flopped under the pressure. The dresses were all just fine and I was happy to not see anything so terrible, though it didn't give us enough fun fodder!

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