Tarantino’s greatest strength remains his dialogue. Although the historical setting means no pithy dissections of Madonna or McDonald’s, it’s impressive how he can muster so much tension from ruminative, ornate conversations. His dialogue possesses a pleasing deliberateness that harkens back to the golden age of cinema and reveals by contrast the absence of wit in most modern films...
THE PURGE ANARCHY: Quick Chat with Actor Frank Grillo in Philly
Post Update 7/18 Some of my readers may know I was a huge fan of the daytime soap Guiding Light (click for post) Frank Grillo played an important character on the show (1997-1999) Hart Jessup who was involved with another favorite character, wickedly wonderful Dinah Marler (Wendy Moniz) I never knew until this week, when I saw a tweet from Wendy Moniz Grillo about The Purge: Anarchy that she and Frank Grillo got married! Which means they’ve been together for about 15 years. I love that
In terms of a really quick review of the movie: It’s definitely more the mayhem and mass chaos movie I imagined for…