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    Late Night

    by Le Anne Lindsay, Editor Directed by Nisha Ganatra, written by Mindy Kaling, who for a time was the only female writer on The Office and was also an intern on Conan O’Brien, so she does have a lot of reality to bring to this comedy; which shines through, allowing the movie to be more situational humor and less jokes. Although writing jokes is a big part of what a comedy writer on a late-night talk show does, and often more or less anonymously. I’ve been reading this book “Just the Funny Parts” by female TV writer Nell Scovell, she wrote on everything from “The Simpson” “Monk” ‘Newhart” “Coach” “Murphy…

  • Mini Movie Reviews Archives


    Tinsel & Tine #MiniMovieReview X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX is meant to be the ENDGAME for Fox’s X-MEN franchise, as Disney/Marvel are poised to takeover. And what’s that gonna consist of? I just can’t stand the thought of another reboot. Please, just start over with new X-Men. We’re good with the 2 sets of X-Men core characters – young and mature, and up until this movie, they pretty much dovetailed nicely so that you didn’t have a problem with the stories or casting of the 2nd set of movies (First Class, Days of Future Past, Apocalypse) negating the stories of the 1st set of Movies (X-men, X-Men United and X-men Last Stand)…

  • Mini Movie Reviews Archives

    Secret Life of Pets 2

    Tinsel & Tine #MiniMovieReview Directors: Chris Renaud, Jonathan del Val by Illumination Animation, only founded in 2007, but feels like we’ve loved these animated movies forever! Oswald Patton taking over for Louis CK as the voice of Max – aka Tiny Dog, aka TD, doesn’t miss a beat, and Harrison Ford as Rooster is ideal! The overall rhythm and bits aren’t as strong and tight as the original, but it’s still an entertaining summer movie to be enjoyed by pet lovers and non-pet owners like myself. T&T the Large Association of Movie Blogs (aka the LAMb) rating 3.5 outta 5

  • Mini Movie Reviews Archives


    ALADDIN I’m still shocked that Disney greenlit Guy Ritchie and that Ritchie was interested in directing, seems such an odd choice, making #Aladdin the very first Guy Ritchie movie I truly enjoyed! I’m delighted by these remakes of favorite Disney animated features getting their live action turn, but I do wish they would space them out a bit. Dumbo, Aladdin and Lion King all in the same year! Why not give us a chance to anticipate the next one? Nevertheless, Aladdin translates to live action just as nicely as Beauty and the Beast, it’s as if your mind already conceived it, before actually seeing it. There’s a few tweaks and…