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    The Great Gatsby 1974 vs The Great Gatsby 2013

    Carey Mulligan & Leonardo DiCaprio vs Mia Farrow and Robert Redford Did I in fall in love with director Baz Luhrmann’s Moulin Rouge (2001) (starring Nicole Kidman & Ewan McGregor) not really, but I did love his vision – the spectacle, strangeness, musicality and vaudevillian intention. I anticipated similar pomp and splash for Lurhmann’s latest inspiration to remake The Great Gatsby.  And when it comes to the big party scene this is what we get, verve, elaborate costumes, gaiety, circus like atmosphere, whirlwind of camera angles, music and dancing, something resembling a scene from a Ziegfield show!  So, obviously Luhrmann was inspired to recreate the Jay Gatsby parties, but was…