THE PURGE ANARCHY: Quick Chat with Actor Frank Grillo in Philly
Post Update 7/18 Some of my readers may know I was a huge fan of the daytime soap Guiding Light (click for post) Frank Grillo played an important character on the show (1997-1999) Hart Jessup who was involved with another favorite character, wickedly wonderful Dinah Marler (Wendy Moniz) I never knew until this week, when I saw a tweet from Wendy Moniz Grillo about The Purge: Anarchy that she and Frank Grillo got married! Which means they’ve been together for about 15 years. I love that
In terms of a really quick review of the movie: It’s definitely more the mayhem and mass chaos movie I imagined for…
Mischief Night on Steroids: THE PURGE
Jesus said “For you always have the poor with you; but you do not always have Me. (Matthew 26:11). In the future, if things go the way of writer/director James DeMonaco’s (click for good interview) imagining, we will not only experience Godlessness, but also a method for keeping the poor down to a very few. The Purge evokes a wicked, nightmarish quality of tension and murderous intent, but this isn’t what makes it frightening. The real fear comes from the political and social issues it examines on inequality & class, the natural inclination of humans towards violence and what could happen if ever a radically Republicany/Teapartyish/NRAer type group were to…
A Comical look at a True Story, Pain & Gain isn’t Funny to Some
“Pain & Gain Actor Anthony Mackie defends Director Michael Bay’s decision to portray Tragedy as Comedy” By Christopher “Flood the Drummer”® Norris If you’ve never read the story of the “Sun Gym Gang” as chronicled by writer Pete Collins in his 1999 three-part series called Pain & Gain, which was published by Miami’s New Times, then don’t rely on Director Michael Bay’s New movie “Pain &Gain,” which touts “This is a true story,” to give you authentic chronological accounts of the case; nor its preceding murders, tortures, and kidnappings. You can however rely on a ton of laughs from the movies loaded cast which stars Mark Wahlberg as the…