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Philly Spotlight: Philly Independent Film Festival Preview @ Art Alliance

by Le Anne Lindsay, Editor

The 8th Annual Philadelphia Independent Film Festival is scheduled for April 17 – 25, 2015. Leading up to #PIFF2015 screenings of short films will be shown at the Art Alliance (next one scheduled for Saturday, Feb 21st 7-11pm). Prior and post screenings, there’s was a jovial atmosphere with Philly actors/musicians, producers, directors, distributors talking, networking and singing.

Here’s a snipit of actor Bryan DeSantos entertaining us with a little Jerry Lee Lewis
(Note:video will not be visible to those receiving Tinsel & Tine via RSS Feed.)

Here’s actresses Janice Kerr LaFlam & Melissa O’Donnell hamming it up Cabaret style.

Now Casting ACTORS, SINGERS, DANCERS and MODELS for over 1,000 TV shows, major films, Broadway shows, and more. CLICK HERE to find an acting job.

One of the films “The Invitation” had its first preview before a test audience. The filmmaker J.P. Hoffman (Imaginarium Pictures) was in attendance along with the featured actors Tom Schmitt and Melissa O’DonnellOn the surface the film appears to be a break up love story, until it takes a turn to the dark side.  Here’s a review of The Invitation by Adam Weber.

Group Lf to Rt: Writer Michael Putz, director J.P. Hoffman, Tom Schmitt, Melissa O’Donnell, Dylan Henning

The evening also featured “The Rambler” directed by Patrick Quagliano starring Daniel KeithSynopsis: When the various crime syndicates in London discover they’ve all hired the same scarred up punk hit man to take one another out, they put a bounty on his head. The police think they’ve discovered a new serial killer. All hell breaks out on the streets of London in an effort to find him. But Rambler is not your typical serial killer… 

Here’s an interview with the director and cast and film clips from UK Street Gossip (Note:video will not be visible to those receiving Tinsel & Tine via RSS Feed.)

Below pic lft to rgt: #PIFF Producer Michael Lasater ( My apologies Michael about posting a pic with your eyes closed, this is why I normally take two shots, just in case) Jillian aka Princess Horror Entertainment Director and Host of Terror Films, Grace Marketing Director of Terror Films and Ben Barnett Producer/Director of Philadelphia Independent Film Festival.

The last film of the evening was a foreign film from Spain called “REM” by Dir Gorka Leon. Synopsis: Have you ever shared a dream with someone else? That is Lays story, a young man with a nondescript daily life, whose only purpose is to sleep to meet the woman he loves. His whole world changes when she comes in to the real world to rescue him. But from whom? 

Here’s the trailer:  (Note:video will not be visible to those receiving Tinsel & Tine via RSS Feed.)

All three films had unpredictable endings with one theme in common, which I won’t give away.
Be sure to check out what’s in store in the coming weeks.

The next PIFF2015 Previews is listed on Tinsel & Tine’s Philly Calendar of EventsAsk me about adding your event to the listing!

While You’re Here

Check out Tinsel & Tine’s Highlight: PIFF Meets Philly Tech Week 2015:
I love films depicting a visual feast, they reiterate the knowledge that food not only feeds the body, but the mind and soul as well. We can all agree whether or not you pay attention to a particular song or melody during a movie, subconsciously, music is monumental in setting a scene. Location and costuming bring us inside the story. But what would the medium of film be without technology? Well, it simply wouldn’t exist.
Which is why the 8th Annual Philadelphia Independent Film Festival joining Philly Tech Week 2015 makes perfect sense!


Tinsel & Tine (Reel & Dine): Philly Film, Food & Events Blog


Tinsel & Tine provides year-round free promotion, sparking conversations and awareness, celebration and reviews of the movie industry - from local indie shorts to international films/filmmakers, to studio driven movies/moviemakers. Mixed with a spotlight on Philly Happenings. #MiniMovieReview #PhillyCalendar

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