
18 1/2 Philadelphia Film Festival Opening Night

No Jamie or Gerard on the Red Carpet, but director, F. Gary Gray, Regina Hall and Bruce McGill from the Opening Night Film Law Abiding Citizen were in attendance and they showered Philly, the Phillies and Sharon Pinkenson and the Philadelphia Film Office with love!

Law Abiding Citizen review will be posted later this afternoon, look for it below this post. And I’m so excited because it will be done from my new Netbook! You really can’t be an effective blogger without one. I went with the Samsung NC10 in pink.

I’ve redefined the term “party animal” for myself – you know how you can’t put food for a week out for a dog cause he’ll eat it all in one sitting? Well, that’s me when it comes to butlered horsd’oeuvers. I can not say no to a silver tray of food offered to me, the offerings can be good, bad or indifferent and I will keep partaking until the appointed hour that signals all butlering must cease.

And you know how if you dangle a string in front of a cat, it will always chase it? Well, that’s me, when it comes to dancing. As long as the DJ is spinning my favorite tracks, I’m on the floor, all over the floor!

And so it was last night at the Philadelphia Film Festival’s Opening night party at the Warwick. It turned into a good crowd, mostly due to some extra’s from Law Abiding Citizen being in attendance. In fact, one took to the floor for “Billie Jean” and did Michael Jackson’s whole Motown 25th choreography, hat included. As I had been preoccupied with “party animaling”, my camera was in the other room when he began, but I did ask another woman filming him to send me the video.

I then made it home after 2am to take 2 advil, 2 tums, put ice on my knee and sent a text canceling my 9am breakfast meeting.

I’ll be attending the 12 noon screening of
The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond and the 7:30pm screening of Chris Rock’s Good Hair

Shout out to DJ Royale! He never played anything from Madonna’s Hard Candy, but other than that he did a fabulous job spin’n and mix’n.

Tinsel & Tine provides year-round free promotion, sparking conversations and awareness, celebration and reviews of the movie industry - from local indie shorts to international films/filmmakers, to studio driven movies/moviemakers. Mixed with a spotlight on Philly Happenings. #MiniMovieReview #PhillyCalendar

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