About this Event
Reel Sisters & BRIC present
ONLINE: Scriptwriting Essentials & The Art of Writing Strong Female Characters™
MONDAYS, APRIL 20, 2020-MAY 11, 2020, 6:30 pm-8:30 pm
DATES: 4/20/2020, 4/27/2020, 5/4/2020 & 5/11/2020
Registration Fee: $150 (plus Eventbrite fees)
Film director/writer Dana Verde will lead a beginning scriptwriting workshop that will cover the essentials of writing scripts for TV, Film and Web Series. Dana specializes in writing everything from comedies and sit-coms to dramatic television and film scripts. Scriptwriting Essentials will offer tips on pitching your script to such major content platforms as OWN, Netflix, BET and HBO. You will learn how to write strong and richly layered women characters as well as the nuts and bolts of writing scripts that sell. Enjoy a nurturing and open creative environment where you will have a chance to write your first script or develop a work-in-progress. You are encouraged to submit a short writing sample outlining your goals for the workshop. The instructor will guide you in achieving your personal scriptwriting goals. Comedy writers are welcomed in this workshop!
Once you have registered you be sent information on the process for accessing the class online. You will also be given access to a folder with your first reading assignment and the syllabus.
The online workshop is being presented by Reel Sisters, the first Oscar Qualifying Festival for short narratives devoted to women filmmakers, and BRIC, the leading presenter of free cultural programming in Brooklyn, and one of the largest in New York City. Scriptwriting Essentials is a Trademark of Reel Sisters, the nation’s leading film festival devoted to women of color. Reel Sisters will be held on Oct. 24-25, 2020 at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in Brooklyn.
BRIC presents and incubates new work by artists and media-makers who reflect the diversity that surrounds us.
Graduate of The London Film Academy & The New School, Dana Verde is a writer/director who has had her script Perfect Match produced by Queen Latifah. She is a creator of the hilarious web series Urban Puppets. In 2015 she wrote two original comedy screenplays, Fight Night and Celibate, for Brandon T. Jackson’s production company Class Clown. Under her new media production company 3CK Media, Dana wrote and directed two short iPhone movies; In Black & White and The 800lb Gorilla, which screened at several film festivals and are available on streaming services. Currently, Dana is in development with several feature and TV projects and she is represented by Buchwald talent agency.
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