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New Social Media Site: Collaborate Philly

Pictured above
Lindsey Colferai, Sam Watson, Michael Erb

I was invited to a launch party last month for a new Philly based Social Media site called Collaborate Philly.

Founder Sam Watson’s concept is simple: connect the members of Philly’s creative community, through individual member pages, geared toward collaboration.

Watson’s take, “Philly has a huge creative community, but I have found it difficult to reach out to those members of the community. I used to hop onto Craigslist all the time to search for other Philadelphians like me. This usually got me nowhere.

I’m a writer and film and video production person. People always tell me, “Go to L.A. Go to New York. You’ll find the creative community there.” But I ask, Why not Philly? Why can’t our city be a leader in the creative industry? We are creative. We are talented. Our community should be greater and more unified than it is. And I believe it can be.”

So Watson, together with a friend (Michael Erb) and a friend of that friend (Lindsey Colferai) set about to get this thing off the ground.

The launch party was well-attended, held at PhilaMOCA, mostly a 20 something crowd. The decor featured artwork from local artists, including yours truly.

Le Anne Lindsay, Artist/Blogger

Mingling and card exchanges took place at the start of the evening, then the rest of the night featured several local bands.  I hung in there through 2 sets, but I turn into a pumpkin pretty quick when it comes to loud music in tight spaces.

Speaking of music, my friend Diane is a music journalist and has been working on a series of drawings of musicians during their performances at many Philly venues.  I invited her to attend the launch party; she and Lindsey, (Collaborate Philly Partner) hit it off immediately, as Lindsay is a music blogger. Her site is called What’s Protocol? and she has already featured some of Diane’s drawings, so the “collaboration” has gotten underway!

Here’s a screen shot of my new Collaborate Philly page

So if you’re a local musician, artist, filmmaker, actor, tech wizard, blogger, singer, writer etc… go and check out the site. The concept won’t work until the database is populated.


Tinsel & Tine provides year-round free promotion, sparking conversations and awareness, celebration and reviews of the movie industry - from local indie shorts to international films/filmmakers, to studio driven movies/moviemakers. Mixed with a spotlight on Philly Happenings. #MiniMovieReview #PhillyCalendar

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