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A New Dawn in America – President Barack Obama

I’m grateful to see this day! Although I didn’t realize I would be so moved. In the primary, I voted for Hillary and reserved my judgement regarding Obama. Then as the election campaigning and debating progressed, I began to admired his calm, poise, confidence and elegance, all things our President should be.

Eventually, I came to realize and embraced the importance of his multi-culturalism (white, black, muslim ties, african, hawaiian, indonesian…) which means finally our Country will be represented by “Our Country”.

And then what really got me, was thinking about Michelle Obama, a dark-skinned, black woman being our First Lady! I have pictured myself owning an English Country Estate, for as long as I can remember, but never truly believed as a black woman this would ever really be possible, now I know I can one day be pouring tea in my drawing room.

I pray God protects this hope that has been stirred in so many, and I pray to see this hope manifest itself in less violence, shared wealth, great affordable healthcare, education, jobs, environmental changes and most importantly, that all color, creeds and backgrounds be reflected equally good, equally flawed, equally equal.

Congratulation Barack Hussein Obama, our 44th President of the United States of America!


Tinsel & Tine provides year-round free promotion, sparking conversations and awareness, celebration and reviews of the movie industry - from local indie shorts to international films/filmmakers, to studio driven movies/moviemakers. Mixed with a spotlight on Philly Happenings. #MiniMovieReview #PhillyCalendar


  • cosmo_ontherocks

    I went to an election night party at the Blue Nile Restaurant in Harrisonburg and I couldn’t have been happier with the results. The polls had been looking good, but we were all still waiting to exhale. During Obama’s acceptance speech I just burst into tears of joy and amazement. I was so proud to see the historically conservative county in Virgina were I voted had turned blue. The best part was I was surrounded by the very people he had just described: young and old, black and white, gay and straight, and probably some disabled and not. Some of them weren’t even Americans, but were equally happy to join in the celebration. Many strangers suddenly behaved like long-time friends as we danced and sang and hugged each other in our excitement.

    I wish our President Obama all the best because he has a lot to face and overcome. There’s no way he can fix all the problems we face in one term and maybe not in two. Plus there are a lot of people anticipating his failure and I’m sure he’ll make his fair share of mistakes. But we’ve had to live with the Republican’s mistakes for the last 8 years, so now it’s our turn. That’s what a Democracy is all about.

    The blogs from McCain voters on Yahoo Shine! have been interesting. Some are actually calling Black Obama voters racists as if we had no other reason to vote for the man besides the color of his skin. But White racists have always underestimated the power, strength and resiliency of African-Americans even in our darkest hour. As long as they keep telling us we can’t, we’ll keep showing them, “Yes, we can!”

    Regardless of what happens over the next four years no one can deny that this will always be an important day in history not just for African-Americans, but all Americans. I feel that the face of our country is finally changing for the better and I, for once, can’t wait to see what the future brings.

    • tinseltine

      I can’t believe I never saw this awesome comment back in 2008. Thank you Cosmo_ontherocks. It’s so sad we’ve gone so backwards from this sense of hope.

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